Month: July 2023

The Willful Victimization of Self.

This does not amaze me. Not an unexpected thought coming from Philly and I bet other locations where violence is out of control and have the same species of arthritic gazelles.

And God bless you if you want to live in that kind of mental fantasy land. But I do take issues when the same idiots also believe they can control the violent players by voting for more laws that do not affect the criminals, but the good people. I would even go as far as betting that the same person who was quoted here, would outright refuse to talk with cops if they were witnesses to a crime of violence.

Just because you stupidly perpetuate bad behavior does not mean I have to pay for it, especially if the currency is my life.

Shoot her in the dick

I’m going to keep making this point because it’s an important point to be made.

Gunman arrested for Philadelphia mass shooting that left 5 dead is BLM activist who wore women’s clothes: sources

The rifle-wielding suspect who donned a bulletproof vest before allegedly shooting dead five men and injuring two children in Philadelphia has been identified as a Black Lives Matter supporter who shared gun-toting memes on social media.

If you’re carrying a pistol, there isn’t a round you have on you that will penetrate a Level II bulletproof vest.

A center of mass, heart and lung shot is useless.

The good news is that body armor usually doesn’t go below the belly button, since it’s designed to stop heart and lung shots which are rapidly fatal.

Your goal is to stop the danger as fast a possible.

Aim between the top of her dick and the bottom of her belly button.

Pelvis, spinal column, illiac artery, sciatic nerves, sacral plexus, these are your targets.

They might not be as instantly fatal as a heart shot, but they will paralyze the lower half of the body and cause rapid blood loss, enough to bring a fight to a fast finish.


“If the DC Extended Universe had been created during the Golden Age of Hollywood”

Damn… these are very good.


Roberrt Bevis v. City of Naperville (7th Cir.)

This is the oral arguments for the above case. This is an AW/LCM ban case.

I hope you don’t have high blood pressure. I’m going to be reading this tomorrow and figuring out what some of the dumbest things said were.

Case argued by Erin Murphy for Amicus Curiae National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. and Ms. Sarah A. Hunger for Appellee State of Illinois in 23-1353, Gilbert Dickey for Appellant Javier Herrera, Ms. Sarah A. Hunger for Appellees Brendan F. Kelly and Kwame Raoul and Jessica M. Scheller for Appellees Toni Preckwinkle and Cook County, Illinois in 23-1793, Ms. Sarah A. Hunger for Appellants Brendan F. Kelly and Kwame Raoul and Erin Murphy for Appellees Caleb Barnett, Brian Norman, Hood’s Guns & More, Pro Gun and Indoor Range and National Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. in 23-1825, Attorney Mr. Thomas G. Maag for Appellees Jeremy W. Langley, Timothy B. Jones and Matthew Wilson in 23-1827. [157] [7320281] [23-1353, 23-1825, 23-1793, 23-1826, 23-1827, 23-1828] (KRA)

Case heard and taken under advisement by panel: Frank H. Easterbrook, Circuit Judge; Diane P. Wood, Circuit Judge and Michael B. Brennan, Circuit Judge. [156] [7320278] [23-1353, 23-1825, 23-1793, 23-1826, 23-1827, 23-1828] (KRA)
Robert Bevis v. City of Naperville, 23-1353, (7th Cir.)

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Daily Mail summarizes the Philadelphia Mass Murderer narrative.

Very un-PC but accurate.

This is what? The third mass killer/shooter this year directly linked to the LGBQTARD fashion? My very unscientific theory is that in their own particular mentally unstable amusement park, they bought the “They are genociding us!”  propaganda and decided to “strike back.”

I initially read in a couple of places that there was an individual that returned fire and got “detained” by police. I can’t find anything now. Anyway, stay armed and practice a lot as efficiency with your chosen firearm will save your life. Practice your headshots and also the nether region.