Month: November 2023

The Hamas loving Left killed gun control


This is why I own guns.

Any politician that supports gun control is a politician that looks at this and says, “yes, I want those Jews disarmed so that they can’t defend themselves when the people who spray painted this come back to carry out their threat.”


Teaching Humility and Teaching to Survive.

J. Kb.’s post about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu made me laugh.

If he really learned anything about humility, he would not be preening about his knowledge of BJJ.

Guns are for Cowards who want power? I guess armies go to war with bare hands and win battles with grappling techniques.

He used guns, he must have been a coward.

“Mastering BJJ takes decades of intense practice” while learning how to defend yourself with a firearm takes hours. Whomever this guy is I am almost sure he has never had to deal with overwhelming danger and actually have a belly-full of the fear that comes from knowing you are about to be injured and I mean hospital-staying injury or even death. He believes he will be ninja enough to take down a mob of assholes attacking him because he is the reincarnation of Helio Gracie or be graced with an asshole or assholes that will not pull a trigger till he makes his moves.

And truthfully, if he meets his demise taking on a challenge he shouldn’t, I don’t mind and probably laugh. What I worry about are the people who will follow his advice, get into the sport and either believe themselves invincible or quit early on and remain defenseless because “guns are for cowards.”



Ethics and the Supreme Court

My rambling on the newly issued Supreme Court Code of Conduct.

(2150 words)

The Supreme Court has always had a code of conduct, their formal ethics. It was not published for good reason.

There is only one way to remove a Supreme Court justice, that is through impeachment as described in the constitution. There is no authority given in the constitution for any sort of punishment of a justice, short of impeachment.

Because there is no bite behind the code of conduct, it was sometimes ignored by those justices motivated by agenda and followed, in the most part, by the justices motivated by the constitution and the law.

As an early example of an ethics question, an attorney was nominated for a position on the Supreme Court. They had no experience sitting as a judge. Had written no legal opinions.
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Hiding Keys

I bought these coin-sized magnets for some project and didn’t use them.

They were just stetting away from anything magnetic-sensitive, till one day I was trying to figure out where to hide a key and my brain did a 2+2 and came out with sticking one of the magnets to the key and just find a suitable place.

It worked better than I expected. And the funny part is that you are not subjected to place the key where there is metal, but you can add a metal “location” by simply adding a wood screw to any part of the house you can think of for hiding the key, just make sure it is flush with the surface, your fingers will thank you.  Do you want to rotate locations? Fine. Select several places, install screws and you are done.

There is also the obvious way of just selecting a hidden spot and affix the magnet to it: it also works. I am using both ways just fine.

And unless you are way too obvious, it would be very hard for somebody to find the key easily or at all.


The School Shooting Database makes a retarded argument

This is the dumbest thing I’ve seen from anti-gun activists in a long time.


Every part of this argument is stupid.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or any other martial arts, doesn’t automatically teach humility and respect.  That is a function of the instructor.

The idea that teaching all kids a martial art would eliminate bullying is nonsensical.  There is no evidence for it. I guarantee that at least some fraction of kids will use their training to be better bullies.

And what about the kids that don’t want to dedicate years to training?  I personally don’t like getting hurt for fun.

And to say that using guns is cowardly because it requires no training and dedication is completely wrong and stupid.  Anyone familiar with firearms would know how much training is required to be effective with a gun for self defense.

This whole thread smacks of a Progressive affluent suburban mom who just listened to a BJJ class sales pitch at the YMCA and decided to make it national policy.

This is stupid.

The pogrom at Arizona State



An Undergraduate Student Government meeting was adjourned abruptly after some people involved in a rally supporting Palestine outside the Memorial Union threw rocks at the second-floor window to the room where the meeting was being held.

Members of ASU’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine congregated to voice support for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions legislation, and students involved in ASU’s five Jewish organizations stood against it at the USG Senate meeting on Tuesday night.

ASUPD is actively investigating the incident, which is being reviewed for possible disorderly conduct/criminal damage charges.

In a statement, the University said, “Arizona State University provides a community that embraces diversity, tolerance, respect, and inclusion. The university rejects and denounces antisemitism. ASU will not tolerate physical intimidation or violence, and we will take action to ensure the physical safety of students.”

A YDSA spokesperson said none of the organizers knew who was throwing rocks and that no arrests were made.

Throwing rocks at Jews.

Is this Gaza or Germany in 1936?

It’s an American college campus.

Shit is going to get uglier.

Be armed, stay safe.