Month: November 2023

Friday Feedback

We’ve had some news out of a couple of rogue inferior courts. The level of gymnastic skill exercised by these courts rivals anything ever seen at the Olympics.

On the good news front, the Supreme Court will hear the Range petition for writ of certiorari today. There are three potential answers we can get back: 1) A granting of cert., 2) A denial of cert., 3) A holding pattern where they don’t grant or deny.

When the Court heard Bruen they had a number of Second Amendment cases waiting for a decision on cert. Right after Bruen the Court Granted Cert, Vacated the inferior courts’ opinion, and Remanded the case back to the lower court.

We have had another case docketed requesting a writ of certiorari, Caulkins v. Pritzker out of IL. I’m not very knowledgeable about this case yet. Now that it is at the Supreme Court, I can read the legal filings and find out what’s happening.

One of the short stories about this case is that it went to the Illinois Supreme Court. Two of the judges on that court were asked to recuse themselves because they had accepted a million dollars each from governor Pritzker for their election. This is in violation of the $500,000 limit, but Pritzker did a little hand waving, and it was allowed.

The two judges refused to recuse themselves. They said that it would not influence their opinion on the case. And then sided with the state against The People.

Thus, this petition includes a due process claim as well as Second Amendment claims.

In other news, the Supreme Court issued their code of conduct. I’ve read about half of it and will likely write something about it for tomorrow’s article.

Thank you for all the feedback this week on everybody’s articles.

The comments are open. Please give me some suggests for articles. Yesterday morning’s article was difficult as I had writer’s block.

A professional author friend of mine explains writer’s block as such: Your job doesn’t allow writer’s block. Your job is to write. If you think you have writer’s block, write something, anything. That is what happened.

OH! I almost forgot, that little piece of lawyering had a layer I had missed on the first go around. There were multiple cites to Friedman v. City of Highland Park, Ill. All of those cites were to judges and justices saying how wrong Friedman was. There are cites from Justice Thomas, for example.

The author of the Friedman opinion was Judge Easterbrook. The same judge who was the ghostwriter for the Seventh Circuit court’s opinion that Bevis v. Naperville is requesting a rehearing en banc. That is just a delightful snarky slam on Easterbrook.

I was right about Massie

I said Thomas Massie was a cunt and I was right.

He’s a huge fucking cunt.


He’s a red cunt hair short of saying “the Jews bought Congress with their filthy Jew money,” but he doesn’t cross the line.

He just gives the antisemitic conspiracy theories a wink and a nod, then falls back to his Very Libertarian Principles.™

He let’s his followers say it for him.

According to Open Secrets, Israel is rabked number nine for foreign lobbying dollars, after Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE.

Chins, of course, takes the top spot.


The pro-Israel industry doesn’t crack the top twenty lobbying industries.


And nothing said in that ad was wrong.

He has consistently been the line Republican who voted with the Squad on the topic of Israel.

But he’s standing on his Very Libertarian Principles in siding with the Hamas Caucus against the Jews and their “most aggressive lobbyists.”

Fucking Jew-hating Libertarian cunt.




Dear Sheriff, do comply with their wishes.

I saw this on the news earlier today and … well, the stupid corporate thought behind it is monumental.

And I say to the sheriff to make all Target stores in his jurisdiction off limits for enforcing the law except hard violent crimes (Murder/Rape).

If Target security does not understand that with their attitude crimes will not only continue but actually increase in number and violence and that the dwindling customer base will still record and post videos that will be counterproductive to their sales, they deserve to crash and bankrupt in a spectacular fashion.

And I forgot: No Law Enforcement will lead to no emergency rescue personal attending calls at those locations. That is another pound of nails in that coffin.