Fog is still a weather phenomenon that freaks me out a bit, (only beaten by tornadoes). I know, I have gone through hurricanes, but a spot of low clouds makes me antsy? What can I tell you? I am not wired right.  And I get all cowardly if I have to drive…which I rather not as I am not ballsy enough to pay the odds of driving blind.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “A Bit Foggy This Morning”
  1. Being nervous about driving through fog is a sign of intelligence; visual range and clarity are altered deceptively and can change gradually or abruptly.

    Like driving in a snowstorm, it’s possible but you need to respect the conditions and, sometimes, know when to just call it and stop.

  2. There is a nice SF short story, I can’t remember the exact title or its author. The plot idea is that fog isn’t caused by water droplets (water is transparent, after all) but rather by uncertainty of the continuity of the universe you’re in. If the fog is dense, you may wander from one universe into another.
    It wasn’t Heinlein’s “Job” though that has a vaguely similar concept.

    1. SF short story: “For a Foggy Night”, by Larry Niven?

      Here, we occasionally get dense freezing fog. I refrain from driving in it, thank you very much. I grew up with moderate fog, but dense and freezing both seem like bad news.
      Freezing fog does pretty up the landscape, though.

      1. Thanks! Yes, that’s the one. That entire collection (“All the myriad ways”) is excellent.
        Freezing fog is right up there with freezing rain as a truly nasty hazard, not just for driving but even for walking. A little, and I can’t walk up my driveway; a bit more, and even walking on the grass becomes dangerous.
        I still remember Christmas break (1973) in college that I spent with a friend in NJ. There was a pretty significant freezing rain storm, and the next morning some neighborhood kids came knocking on the door to ask if they could go skating on the family’s front lawn.

        1. So far, we haven’t had enough freezing fog to make the gravel driveway (never mind the lawn) a slip hazard.
          Snow, on the other hand… next time we get enough of that to worry about, I’ll be prepared with tire chains for my boots. (“Yakety Trax” or something to that effect.)

    2. Fascinating story; I read it a long time ago, and still think of it on the somewhat rare occasions it’s foggy where I live now.

  3. Me: “It’s Silent Hill outside, any advice?”
    Friend: “I never played any of the Silent Hill games.”
    Friend: “Good luck! :D”

  4. Yesterday morning at the dog park with Wolfgang I noticed a big puddle near the edge of the shade pavilion. It hadn’t rained the night before, it was the mist condensing on the pavilion’s roof and dripping off. Suddenly, Spanish Moss made sense.

    Of course, it burned right off and the day was glorious. 27 degrees in Maryland where we used to live; 75 degrees and sunny here in the Gunshine State. Oh, and the Concealed Carry permit came a while back – in MD they only give them out to celebs and politicians.

    Same again this morning with fog, and same again this afternoon, only we took Wolfgang to the Dog Beach in Venice. Man, I love Florida.

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