I caught this beautiful tidbit regarding why Dick’s stopped selling Evil Black Rifles:

The board agreed to reject blood money.

I could not let go of that load of Fake Righteousness, so I replied:.

This CEO only “destroyed” weapons that will have almost zero probability to be involved in any type of crime just to appear cool to the Woke Club.
Now, if they were really into eliminating the Blood Money, they should go into the books, find out how much they made selling guns all these decades and begin a Buyback of all the stuff they sold.
It is easier to say “Hey! I am not selling Bad Ugly Bang Stick Anymore, Love me! (But Eff You I am keeping the profits from all the ones I sold before)”

This is a SJW variation of criminals and their enablers excusing their behavior:  “I am not killing anymore so I should not be prosecuted, in fact, you ought to thank me and allow me to live my life unencumbered.”  In Catholic terms, you confessed but made a fake gesture of penance, there is no real contrition because you have failed to repair the harms you inflicted. So, if Dick’s CEO considers guns to be bad and doing damage to the community, he should actually do something that shows his commitment to his self-imposed penance such as donating every single penny they made selling weapons through the years to a children’s cancer charity.  And. of course that includes a part of what he has made through the years from the company, right?  That is true penance: It has to hurt.





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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “A dumb Liberal Comment”
  1. I’m sure the are in the process of a careful review of all of their products and their vendors supply streams to insure all raw materials and products they sell are responsibly sourced, do not support human trafficking, sweat shops, or slave labor, and that corrupt, unethical, and immoral corporations and goverments are not involved in any of their products and raw materials. Don’t forget all the ancillary stuff too like your insurers, marketers and advetisers, payroll company etc. Because of their commitment to be rid of the blood money.


  2. PENANCE, in contrast to virtue signalling (think Pharisee and Publican, from the parable) involves, as well, genuine efforts at restitution/making others whole.

    Unlike the aptly named Dick’s. Without the apostrophe.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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