A coalition of gay-rights and gun-control activists is taking on FedEx for discounts it offers to members of the National Rifle Association, targeting the global shipper during the peak of the holiday season. The group is launching an online campaign and plans protests on Wednesday at FedEx retail stores in Denver; Atlanta; Memphis, Tennessee; and Orlando, Florida, said Igor Volsky, director of Guns Down, a Washington-based group that advocates for fewer guns in the U.S. and is one of 10 participating organizations. A Dec. 7 letter to the company got no response, he said. FedEx doesn’t comment on specific customer agreements, Melissa Charbonneau, a spokeswoman, said in an e-mailed statement.FedEx offers shipping discounts of as much as 26% to members of the NRA, the gun-rights group with 5 million members, as part of a program that also has special offers for Visa cards, according to Guns Down. Separate programs offer deals on Hertz rental cars and Wyndham hotels, according to the NRA website.

Source: FedEx Discount for NRA Draws LGBT, Anti-Gun Activist Rage | CMO Strategy – AdAge

I looked online to see if I could get any news about the protests yesterday and could not find a thing. The name Igor Volsky rang a very faint bell so I looked him up and bingo:

Let’s just say that just ThinkProgress gives you a full picture how anti gun ultra leftie Gun Down is supposed to be. But how effective were the protests? I offer their own photos…excuse me, photo. 

One photo, from Orlando with only three people in display (four in total counting whomever took the picture) and I imagine it was because there was decent weather in Orlando. That is not what I would call hard political pressure to get FedEx to drop a potential pool of several million customers.

The Opposition has money, they have some of the greatest PR and advertising teams from NY and DC, they have most of the traditional media at their beck and call and still cannot muster a grassroots. They simply don’t have the numbers, we do.

And that is Why We Win.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “A measurable failure of Gun Control.”
  1. Crap, I just spent about a hundred bucks shipping family Christmas gifts and I could have had a discount? If these nitwits had been more effective, I might have been able to use it.

  2. Let’s add to those numbers. I bet they have ZERO experience with firearms.

    A pity no one went there to ask if any of them had ever seen a real firearm in person and then offered to take them to the range for free.

    If they refuse and insist on remaining ignorant and afraid maybe the dim light bulb in their brain will begin to glow.

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