The Coronavirus Crisis, or Coronacrisis, might be coming to an end sooner than we thought.

I say that because, for at least a couple of weeks, people were so fixated on critical things that we as a society were able to tune out unimportant bullshit.

As it turns out, victim mongering and oppression Olympics was unimportant bullshit that morally vacuous people used to leverage power when they had no other useful skills.

I have recently seen these people returning to social media to push a message of Coronacrisis victim status.

First, from the co-founder of BLM:

This is the new narrative.  The Coronavirus response was racist and minorities suffered more because of systemic racism.

I’m particularly disgusted by the idea that our health care system is “anti-black.”

Then there were these two Tweets from the Michigan Attorney General (yes, really).

Are only black health care workers, police officers, or bus drivers dying or does she only care about black civil service workers?

Also, the rest of this is a racist screed.  I’ve head very little about not being able to go golfing but a lot about small businesses going under as they are unable to provide full or any services at this time.

If she does want to bring up golf, how about all those people who make their living as golf instructors or the people who manage golf clubs.  Right now their revenue is zero, so perhaps they want to know when they can go back to work?

Then there was this headline from the New York Post that gives this all away:

AOC wants coronavirus ‘reparations’ for minority communities

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has called for coronavirus reparations for minorities, claiming higher numbers of COVID-19 fatalities in low-income communities stems from underlying inequality.

“COVID deaths are disproportionately spiking in Black + Brown communities,” Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted to her 6 million followers on Friday morning.

“Why? Because the chronic toll of redlining, environmental racism, wealth gap, etc. ARE underlying health conditions,” the Bronx-born lawmaker added.

That’s the point.

If they can establish the narrative that the Coronacrisis was an inconvenience to white people but a lethal and destructive tragedy to the minority community, then they are on better footing to demand special treatment when this is all over.

In their minds, the white person who went bankrupt because their business was forced to close and who lost an elderly relative to the virus isn’t as deserving because they are white and their suffering didn’t stem from historic inequity.

This is cynical, grotesque, obscene, and divisive.  It takes what should be a moment of national unity and collective mourning and balkanizes us.

In a perverse way, I think this is good news.  It shows that we must be nearing the end of this crisis because the people without critical skills are beginning to jockey for the grievance based victim status power they use as leverage over others under normal circumstances.

However, I can’t see anything good coming from politicians pointing to some and saying “your pain and suffering is less than that of others because you are privileged and therefore you deserve less.”

This is something from the “before times” that I do not want to see return as we come back to normalcy.

My hope is that the majority of people will have liked the break this nation took from racial division for the last few weeks and will tell those who try to start it up again to go fuck themselves with an old fencepost.

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By J. Kb

4 thoughts on “A return to a bad normal”
  1. The conservative news organizations need to STOP posting crap from the likes of aoc et all. Stop validating them , ignore them. The only thing they have is the race card and in the REAL world everyone is fukkin tired of it. This “crisis” has shown true America, we in realsville are helping each other. I went to Harbor Freight yesterday to get a few things. They didnt have nitril gloves. Not because of hoarders but because they DONATED all of em to local hospitals. dems will never understand America. They become wealthy in the very Country they claim to despise.. its easy to complain and refuse to see the good. If We the People just stop validating chattering liberals they truly will become less than 1/3 of America. Thus endus thy rant

  2. My son flew to NYC and is working in Harlem to help those minorities. How’s that for a racist healthcare system?

    1. So, Divemedic, you and your family LIVE the ideals you profess, huh?

      Do you suppose that AOC, “Peloski” (as TDW names her), Bernie, et al, are gonna mask up, and sling bedpans, or whatever?

      Sorry, my ears are ringing from the “HELL< NO!" echoing off the mountains.

  3. The “that’s racist” crowd always boils down to “give me more money”. Problem is, there’s less of that to go around this time. Worst time to play that card, and I sincerely hope there is legitimate, angry pushback against it this time.

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