Jim Carrey officially released via his PR Firm of Marleah Leslie And Associates this preoccupying drivel against FoxNews.

One has to wonder if the people of the PR firm insisted hard enough to try to stop Mr. Carrey because it looks like he is having a Mel Gibson-type meltdown in front of God & Country.

Hat Tip to Maddened Fowl.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “A sad collapse of the Increasingly Irrelevant”
  1. That typical Hollywood lib dickhead Carrey can kiss my rosey red ass and he’ll never see another dollar of my movie going money!
    I hope your body guard has a A.D.!

  2. I’m no PR expert but switching from twitter and idiotic videos to at least passing stupid his comments through a PR firm filter seems to say to me he’s getting the right type of backlash against his idiocy.

  3. Wait a minute… Who’s the attention-seeking whore here again?

    Increasingly unfunny, and irrelevant: Jim Carrey.

  4. He can carry his Canuck ass back to the frozen northern wasteland. Maybe he can find some Eskimos that think he’s funny.

  5. I hear him cry and complain about being slandered but haven’t heard him repeat what was said…..must be the truth that has him pissed off

  6. I’d pay real money to see them go after Carey for slander, themselves.
    Wild, unfounded accusations about a billion dollar company shouldn’t be tolerated.

    Would be priceless to see them release their own statement saying they’ll no longer run any ads, spots, movies, etc, related to Carey and they’ve refunded any pending monies paid to them for their services. “We can’t in good conscience participate in a business transaction with an individual or incorporated entity who feels so strongly against what our company stands for and we have severed all business ties”
    /sigh – one can dream, right? 🙂

  7. I think poor misguided Mr. Carey is still butt-hurt from Fox cancelling In Living Color after that ceased to be funny.


  8. Jim Carrey is an a-hole about guns, BUT he is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT about FAUX NEWS. They are not a news organization, they are a talking point reader for the conservatives.

    1. And the problem with that would be….? They are smartly catering to a section of the population that had been ignored and cashing in because of it. I see nothing wrong with it.

  9. My goodness, there’s a lot to fisk there.

    Focus on two statements, though, to save space:

    “I would take [Fox News] to task legally if I felt they were worth my time….”
    On what grounds? Exercising the rights of free press? Good luck on that. The reason you haven’t “taken them to task” is because you don’t have a legal leg to stand on, it’d be a waste of money, and it’s be seen as such a childish cry for relevance publicity stunt that it would lose you any credibility you have left. Not that that’s much.

    “[I]n my opinion Fux [sic] News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views….”
    As opposed to … what, exactly? Stations like CNN and MSNBC, with such wonderful examples of objective investigative journalism as David Gregory, Piers Morgan, and Rachel Maddow, whose options (and in Gregory’s case, prosecutorial exemptions) have been widely expanded because their “extreme and intolerant views” happen to lean sharply left? When did investigation cease to be a part of “investigative journalism”? Oh, right. When they became “Authorized Journalists”, part of Joe Biden’s “legitimate media”.

    Talking out his @$$, indeed.

  10. I really hate that this clown is in Kick Ass 2…I loved the first movie, and was looking forward to the sequel.

    If I do go, it’ll be the last time I see a movie with Carey in it.
    I’ll bet I could get a friend working at a theater to get me in…

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