J Kb is beating me to the punch today. I read  Tyrants in Lab Coats  and I remembered I had something in my mind for a while now that I keep forgetting to post about. See righteous asshole here?

As of time of this posting, deaths by Wuhan V in the US are tallied 256,803.

But let us not forget something that Cleavon MD and his buddies have been doing every year:

Analyzing medical death rate data over an eight-year period, Johns Hopkins patient safety experts have calculated that more than 250,000 deaths per year are due to medical error in the U.S. 

Study Suggests Medical Errors Now Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.

I have been very lucky and none of the doctors I have dealt with has been stupid enough to try and belittle me in that manner because I would remind them about their fucking dismal record on Not killing patients before the ‘Rona attacked.

And that brings us to a sobering thought: How many people who “died of Covid” this year, actually perished because of the sickness or by complications from a MD-quack or associate with a TikTok account and their usual carelessness?


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “A small follow up of ” Tyrants in Lab Coats””
  1. “How many people who “died of Covid” this year, actually perished because of the sickness or by complications from a MD-quack or associate with a TikTok account and their usual carelessness?”

    Or, just tacking on the Kung flu as the cause of death when it wasn’t?

    I have seen 3 videos, and my wife has seen another one, where the medical staff has stated that the hospital is financially compensated for each patient with COVID listed as the cause of death. Thus they are encouraged to play with the facts.

    It seems that we’ll NEVER know how many people dies from the disease alone. How delightful. 8~(

  2. I said a long time ago how I’d like to know actual COVID deaths vs hospital infection people whom went to the hospital for COVID.

    Go in with the Kung Flu but die of hospital pneumonia or staph.

    1. Wanna lay any bets that people who died of unrelated causes from their hospital stay are still recorded as ‘COVID deaths’ too?

  3. My wife found an article (I’ll see if she can get a link), where it was pointed out that a normal year’s “population loss” is 1.2% in the U.S.

    That’s the percentage of people expected to die from any/all causes, including simple old age.

    1.2% of 330 million people is about 4 million. That sounds like a lot, but 235,000 “COVID deaths” is a statistically significant portion. About 6% or so. We should see a noticeable rise in “population loss”, right?

    It’s not there. 2020 is projected to track nicely with the normal, expected losses.

    So where are all the COVID deaths?

    The simplest explanation is, given that the evidence says the vast majority of reported “COVID deaths” have mulitiple co-morbidities — up to and including simple old age — it’s likely they would have died in 2020 anyway from some other cause, COVID or no COVID.

    Interestingly, with 2020 tracking as expected, there’s no decrease in deaths from all the social distancing, lockdowns, and destroyed businesses and economy, either.

    It’s almost like those measures arguably didn’t save anyone. Or something.

    1. Archer, that’s called “excess mortality” and I recall discussion that it was indeed noticeable. Should be easy enough to find out. One place it showed up is in the finances of life insurance companies.

      1. We’ll do some digging. It’s possible two writers are seeing the same reports and numbers, and coming to wildly different conclusions. Happens all the time.

        As you said, it should be easy enough to find out. 🙂

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