A bill would require the state’s attorney general to develop a training model for school employees who are allowed to carry concealed weapons.
JAN 23, 2014
School boards would have to consult with local police to develop school safety protocols, if districts decide to let certain employees carry concealed weapons. The measure would shield the names of gun-carrying employees and block protocols for carrying concealed weapons from being part of collective bargaining negotiations.

State law limits the people who can have a deadly weapon in a school safety zone to security guards, on-duty officers and others whom a district’s board has given permission. The bill would allow off-duty officers to also carry weapons.

The House passed the bill 62-28 on Wednesday, sending it to the Senate

via House passes bill on conceal-carry for school workers | Sandusky Register.

I don’t know what kind of reception the bill will have in the senate or if approved, signed by the Governor.  Let’s hope it goes all the way and be ready to hear the lamentations of the Antis assuring us that the armed teachers will become bumbling nutjobs that will shoot kids for chewing gum in class.

Hat tip to Brian D. R.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “A smidget of common sense in Ohio”
  1. Don’t forget Chinese-style executions for tardiness and spit-wads.

    I’m just going to take this moment to remind everyone – again – that if “gun nuts” and CC’ers were half as violent, crazy, and irresponsible as the antis claim, there’d be no antis left. Or anyone else for that matter.

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