Is it really that hard to figure out the “solution” to this “problem?

Ladies and Gents: It is all CoF Design. Make sure that you adapt the Course of Fire to the safety needs and available space. Any CoF Designer knows that what’s on paper and what ends up being set up may change drastically. If possible, move the points farther away from the targets so the shooter has more leeway. Muzzle SAFE points are for SAFETY, not to piss a shooter off or make it a contest on which SO can give more procedurals.

Muzzle Safe 1Is this a CoF with the darn Muzzle Safe Points too close? Shall we call HQ and demand that the rule book be shredded and the Tiger teams tar and feathered? No. We can do something as simple as this:
Muzzle Safe 2Whoa! Where did that come from? Could it be that simple?

The safe point on the left is to avoid putting extra holes in the wall as the range management frowns on that and get really miffed when shooters start chipping away the darn thing and usually means you don’t get to shoot there anymore. The one on the right could even be placed a bit farther but there is another CoF being run just outside the pic, so that is good enough for demonstration purposes.

PS: If you have the blessed luck to shoot in a range with bays, specially of the 270 degree variety and are still bitching about muzzle safe points….

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.