-As properly pointed out by Rob, The Springfield XD family has now moved to the SSP neighborhood. The Glock Families are crying “There goes the Home Owners Association!” The rest of the DA/SA and DOA families will still stay in the Trailer Park area of SSP.

-Clarified the term “Engaged.”  No more, “But I engaged it! I shot at the neighborhood in where the target is located with one bullet!”

-Keep the reloads where you want them except the mouth, armpit and upper pockets.

R19.5 No weak hand drawing from the holster is allowed. Not sure on this one. Does that mean you cannot reach across with your weak hand to the strong side holster  or you cannot have your gun in a weak side holster and shoot like that? I would not mind doing a match or two drawing and shooting from the weak side.

-Flashlight remains a separate object and justifiably so. Weapon-mounted lights are becoming popular but not yet mainstream.

-“In case of doubt, the best score goes to the shooter.” Still here and a good thing.

– Threat and Non-Threat indicators are not hard cover. We had some issues in the past with this.

-Threat indicators of different kinds have equal threat value. (gun not better than knife not better than stick) Easier to design and avoids the Tacticool arguments.

-No modifications to the score sheets after they leave the Score Keeper’s hands. The stories i have about this sh….stuff.

-Calibration of Reactive targets. Not only it has to be calibrated to the lowest power factor in IDPA (105)  but the complaining shooter has to have his/her rounds Chrono’ed and subject to applicable penalties if not in spec. MUHAHAHAH!

– More Boolits! If your gun has 7-6 round capacity, you can carry three spare mags or speedloaders.

-First Target and Last Target cannot be Non-Threats. And the last Target cannot disappear. Likes!

-Moving target cannot be painted with Hard Cover. Awwwww..Damn It. but that is the prick in me.

-And a major round of Kudos to IDPA for the Permanently Physically Disabled Shooters Rules. Flexibility and cordiality must be afforded to them.

OK, that’s it. Go download and read the rest yourself.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “The New IDPA Rule Book: Assorted stuff I forgot.”
  1. 1st and last targets cannot be non-threat only in the context of moveable non-threats. I assume that as I have you slice the pie around a wall I can still put my non-threats in the 1st and last target position as long as I’m not using moveable non-threats in the stage.

    SD9.2. While blind stages are not allowed in IDPA, portions of a stage can have moveable non-threat indicators to allow for a shooter to make a shoot/no shoot decision as part of the CoF. These targets must be hidden from the view of the shooter prior to reaching the shooting position where the shoot/no shoot decision is made. In order to maintain a level playing field for all competitors, the first target and the last target will not be eligible as non-threats.

    1. I miss Blind Stages…. designing them was so much fun! The look on the faces of the shooters at walk-thru when you told them “There are x amount of targets and might some non-threats according to IDPA rules. Shoot the stage according to IDPA rules. Solve the problem.”

  2. – More Boolits! If your gun has 7-6 round capacity, you can carry three spare mags or speedloaders.

    I missed this, that’s cool. Thanks for pointing it out.

  3. Appendix carry still forbidden.. What kind of stupid shit is that? Seriously! It’s a very popular carry method, and this competition is supposed to be focused around real life situations.. So why would they forbid so many people from training/competiting in the same manner that they carry on a daily basis?

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