The famous Bush/Gore recount was triggered by a narrow margin victory that was the result of a fuck-up.  The major issues were hanging chads from ballots not fully punched confused automated vote-counting machines and a confusing butterfly ballot printed with larger text.

This is not that.

The accusation here is that the Democrats have taken advantage of unprecedented levels of absentee voting due to COVID to send in tens of thousands of extra ballots or “corrected” thousands of ballots for Biden.

Reports of thousands and tens of thousands of “found” ballots with 100% turnout for Biden without a chain of custody gives credence to that level of malfeasance.  Reports that nearly 1 in 5 ballots in swing states being marked for Biden only, with no votes for the House, Senate, local politicians, or ballot measures, gives credence to that level of malfeasance.  Record turnout for Biden, a candidate that couldn’t muster a dozen people to show up to a rally, gives credence to that level of malfeasance.

Ten or twenty thousand votes are well within the margin of the level of malfeasance being accused.

This is why the courts are so important in this election.

This is why the media is flacking so hard against the idea of fraud.  They cannot have it exposed that that may have been responsible for hundreds of thousands to millions of illegally cast ballots, that would secure Voter ID in this country faster than anything else.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Actually, they are”
  1. Hmm, one guys fills out 1700 ballots. That’s clearly not enough to sway an election, according to the Left, so it doesn’t matter.

    Trump is losing by 47215 votes in PA, and that’s not an amount that would get undone by recounts, according to the Left, so it doesn’t matter and he should concede.

    According to my math, though, all it would take is 28 such folks, as in the first example, doing 1700 ballots each, and we have more than enough to sway an election in PA.

    In Arizona, it would only take 9 folks to accomplish that total, assuming the same pace of fraud.

    Are they seriously suggesting you couldn’t get ten to thirty people in any state who hate Trump so much they wouldn’t spend a few hours a day filling out ballots for Biden?

    You know, if they actually won by the amounts they claim, they should be relishing the chance to have a recount and really rub our noses in it that Trump lost. And screw any cost involved, because when has a Democrat EVER cared about spending someone else’s money?

    They really don’t want that recount because they KNOW it is fraud. They just don’t want us to know it is fraud.

  2. Math is hard for the left. 14,746 votes in Arizona Ok. That could be 15,000 votes that were counted but should not of been counted. But that is only 7,500 votes that were taken from Trump and given to Harris. And given the clerk in MI finding that all but two votes for Trump were given to Harris, it doesn’t take but two or three “glitches” like that to turn the vote around.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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