Leave it to a Leftie to actually say what he thinks about minorities when guns are involved.  And the absolute bigotry of thinking only White racist people carry guns, although probably he has some sort of snub nose of Glock stashed somewhere in his house, but he is different. He is enlightened!

But you have to understand him: Black people with guns are hard to control. Black people with guns cannot be told they must think one way and one way only, nor you can impose your enlightened views of faux socialist utopia on them.

And what he does not get is that a lot people who actually become gun owners, suddenly realize that not depending on Law Enforcement when an emergency visits is something very liberating. That feeling of not being a victim is both addictive and contagious.  And they take our side rather than his.

That they may think different than us? No problem with that. It is stated in the amendment above the Second that they can express their ideas and opinions peacefully and I would add politely.

Leave the pearl clutching about armed minorities for racists like Allison Burnett.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Allison Burnett is afraid of Negroes with Guns.”
  1. All of our fellow Americans are encouraged to join our culture. Educate yourself, train, purchase guns and ammo, and visit the ranges. As people learn more about firearms people become more self-sufficient and independent.

  2. While I like your enthusiasm, I sincerely doubt these people would be on “our” side.
    BLM is a thinly veiled Marxist organization, and their end goals are just another flavor of boot-on-face-forever.

    1. Which “these people”? BLM is certainly a marxist organization, but I think a lot of the photos of armed black people show people who want to defend themselves against BLM terrorists, or in other ways desire the tools for self defense.

  3. More Leftist projection.

    He has racist thoughts. Can’t process that he has them because he’s a good person. So projects those thoughts onto the Right and assumes they are the actual racists.

  4. The skin color does not bother me.

    The carrying of guns for the purpose of intimidation, not for the purpose of defense is what bothers me. And, that counts for the OC idiots, and Fudds as well.

    If you are participating in a protest of any kind, and you want to carry, fine. I do not care what color your skin is, or what the protest is about. The moment you start getting threatening, that’s when I have a problem. (And, yes, if BLM, ANITFA, or any other leftist org wants to carry, I am good with that under the condition they behave in a non-threatening manner.)

    Of course, because of the pigmentation, any complaint about how these people are carrying must be racism. It could not possibly be about the actions they take when carrying.

  5. I’ve been saying this for years — that the only way to get the Right to reconsider its gun obsession is to have POC walking down our city streets legally armed to the teeth. I’m thrilled to see this.

    Meanwhile, in actual America (i.e. outside the Ivory Tower), the Right sees “POC walking down our city streets legally armed to the teeth” and behaving themselves, and says, “Welcome! Great to see you here!”

    Really, the only folks who have a problem with POCs exercising their rights are Leftists and Democrats, but they can’t admit it — to themselves or anyone else — so they project onto the Right.

    The reality is, peaceable, legally-armed POCs are far more dangerous to the Left than the Right. Not because of the potential for violence, but because POCs embracing a culture of self-reliance might make them [*insert collective Democrat shudder*] vote Republican, breaking up what has been the Democrat’s most reliable voting block for the past 50 years.

    And they can’t have that.

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