There has been too many badass Popes and even a couple that raised armies and took up arms to defend the Church and the Faith like Julius II. Some have been real ballsy and faced the enemy unarmed thought their lives and saw them fail like John Paul II did facing both the Nazis and the Soviets.

And we have this castrati Argentinian piece of Peronista shit trying to push this crap.

God have Mercy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

28 thoughts on “An admonition from out Leftist Pope.”
  1. “All weapons”, eh? Knives, bricks, baseball bats, rocks, fists…
    I don’t know about you, Mr. Bergoglio, but I’m not about to give up my hands just because some idiot pseudo-religious leader says so.

    1. How stupidly naive. This old man has dementia. Why not simply ban all CRIME! Gee! That’s a GREAT idea! Wonder why no one’s ever thought of it before?!

    2. I commented yesterday and I guess I have to repeat myself. Who listens to the ANTI-CHRIST? Popes have no Idea what it is to be a Pope. Look at the history. Pedophiles, murderers, kids out of wedlock (Jesus) should hear about this, torturers, and “any things not even mentioned in the Bible”. I finally got to use that line. It’s a line from the movie ‘Lord Jim’. I thought my memory was going away. I don’t remember many things from my Bible days, but ammunition wasn’t mentioned. A rock (that David threw at the Philistine and killed him) Oh no, California will now ban rocks. That’s good right? Since that’s the only thing they have between their ears. God bless you, pope.

  2. You see, in some of the scifi universes I gamed out.The only church to make it out of Earth with its upper leadership after aliens attacked was the Catholic Church, and the Pope was a Vietnamese bishop who had also been known to have been a killer shot with an AK.

    Alas, my fiction is not the world we live in.

  3. If the heart is good, the tools will not be used as weapons.

    If the heart is evil, anything becomes a weapon.

    I’m surprised a pope doesn’t get this. Then againz which order is he from again…?

  4. I agree: in a world without weapons, we will not have to fear war. We will, on the other hand, be fearful of the amoral and young, unscrupulous and strong, predacious and numerous. Us old, sickly, frail folks will be prey.

    Me? I’m unwilling to be that prey.

    1. Yep, me neither – too old and broken to fight or run away. Too bad the utopians can’t understand that the law of the jungle – ie naked brute force will become the order of the day.

  5. The first time I heard him speak, I thought to myself ,This is the time our Lord is coming. We’re waiting for the anti-Christ, well wait no longer he’s here and his name is Pope Francis.

  6. There was a Dilbert years ago where Dogbert wished that people would eschew weapons and violence forever… because he could then conquer the planet with a butter knife.

  7. Oh and tear down the WALL you live behind!! Yeah, ban all weapons, good idea yer Excellency….

      1. Nice work, Rev. If you’re not familiar with it yet, please seek out the Rabbi’s page at JPFO, it has similar material (from the Old Testament/Torah of course).
        Yet another item you might enjoy is Rolf Nelson’s novel “Heretics of St. Possenti” which is about a bishop’s efforts to help PTSD veterans. Discussions about weapons and the Bible, including that passage and the one about “live by the sword…” have a prominent place in the plot. (I helped Rolf a bit with that material, including dusting off my quite rusty Greek to discover some interesting grammatical aspects of that last item that are relevant to understanding the meaning.)

  8. Considering that anything in Nature can be used as a weapon, that is a stupid idea.
    The very first weapon was (probably) a rock. Cain murdered Abel.
    One would think the Pope would know this.

  9. As I indicated above, I am not Catholic – I’m retired Free Methodist clergy and a solid pro-2A guy who facilitates the Clergy in Support of the Second Amendment’s online sites.

    That said, I think it is clear that the pope was referencing things like atomic weapons and other large weapons – not such weapons as are used by either civilians or security folks.

    Is he a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms? Nope – but we also must remember that his only experience has been with a government using them against its’ people. Frankly, I would love to have a talk with him about this subject 🙂

    1. Europe was a battleground for all of recorded time, with armies marching across it from 1789-1820, 1870, 1914-1918, and 1938-1945. There have been no major external wars or conflicts since 1945.

      What changed? Now no one dares to start a full scale war in Europe. Even Vlad uses his Little Green Men, and disaffected locals to mask his military attacks.

      No one sane will risk a nuclear exchange.

  10. If only it were that easy! As the Pope should know, if making a law controlled human behavior, we could have stopped in Exodus 20 with the 10 Commandments.
    Of course, it is not that easy, as anyone w/ real life experience knows from actual experience.

  11. In real life the answer is not what everybody keeps repeating. It’s actually the opposite. Everyone carries and crime drops to almost nothing. Wolves attack sheep. If there are no sheep there are less victims. Is pope going to disarm his personal guards with Automatic weapons?

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