I was prepping another post when I saw this brilliant analysis by someone who totally doesn’t understand the Constitution.

So let me see if I get this right, the Federal Government will have a hard time banning gun ownership, so what they should do is ban gun makers.

I can see how at first glance, to a stupid person, that might almost seem smart.

It’s like saying “We can’t control free speech, so were just going to shut down every for profit website, news agency, talk radio channel, and magazine that publishes an opinion we don’t want using the commerce clause.  People still have the freedom to say what they want, they just can’t disseminate it.” And thinking that will pass Constitutional muster.

Keep in mind that every time a state has tried to crack down on abortion (which is not a Constitutional right, mind you) by putting restrictions on abortion clinics that force them to close, the Left throws a shit fit in the courts.

These people are not deep thinkers.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “An idea so crazy it just won’t work”
  1. Yep, this is right up there with the idea of regulating bullets to Oblivion, since the 2A doesn’t say anything about bullets…

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