The Cancel Culture strikes again. This time against Baen editor Toni Weisskopf considered the best SciFi editor of any house. Worldcon had her to be Editor Guest of Honor, but a fake article and a bunch of harpies descended on the spineless assholes of the Con and she has been “uninvited.”

She was maligned as hell during the Sad Puppies controversy by the same assholes that now “offered” an olive branch, only to smack her again.

An Open Letter To The Old Time Fans at WorldCon | Monster Hunter Nation

And here is what initiated the “controversy.”

Publishing House Baen Books Attacked by Cancel Culture | Monster Hunter Nation

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “An Open Letter To The Old Time Fans at WorldCon | Monster Hunter Nation”
  1. Looks like it may be time to start a “RealCon” — run by real people rather than worthless varmints. Larry could be the chief organizer, and L. Neil Smith the GoH.

    1. *ahem* Get out here with that toxi-masculini-raci-nazi-misogynistic wrongthink mindset you troglodyte.

      Did I get that right? I never know if I reach the proper ‘point and shriek’ camouflage level these days…

  2. “…That’s because you’ve allowed the creation of a mob that is addicted to outrage, and addicts don’t just stop. You allowed it to grow, and now it’s bigger and more powerful in your organization than you are. So with no outspoken people with the wrong politics to attack, you attacked each other. Hell, you let them cancel John Campbell! …”

    And, Larry hits it out of the park once again.

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