By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

12 thoughts on “And Caligula smiled…”
  1. This time. They didn’t set the ambulance on fire this time. But you know the guys on the call had to be mentally running through worst case scenarios.

    This is how you get EMTs to refuse to respond to calls in your neighborhood without a police escort. Or at all.

  2. Toastrider: correct.

    A while ago, at another clinic, some ….er, human being…attempted to crawl through the receptionist’s window, shouting threats and cursed at one of the female staff.

    I started carrying a Micro Nine, and spare mags, in my pants pocket.

    Subsequently, another chucklehead recreated this experience, on a day I was off.

    I added a Glock 19,:and two extra mags for THAT pistol, to my EDC.

    And, found another job.

    Waaaaay up north.

    1. I find myself paging through my old Cyberpunk and Shadowrun books and wondering what will jump from the pages into reality.

      I could easily see EMTs forcing city governments to allow them armed security — to the point of even the EMTs packing — in exchange for services in certain areas.

      ‘You can’t do that!’
      ‘Fine. We quit. We’re all leaving.’
      ‘But– but–‘
      ‘Those are our terms. Take ’em or leave ’em.’

      1. Actually, talk of arming EMTs started about 5 years ago. Not the best idea, considering your average EMT.

        And, yed, I did the job for 15 years.

  3. Once again, I have to ask.

    What is so horrific about white heritage and white culture that I should be expected to reject it, and elevate this above mine?

    Can anyone explain why I need to be “less white” if this is what that looks like?

    1. Speaking sarcastically here, but my guess is ‘you need to be less white so the other people don’t feel bad when they compare themselves to you’.

      Remember, the wokeists have flagged things like punctuality and work ethic as ‘whiteness’ too.

  4. There is absolutely no reason at all to be on that scene. It is clearly not under control, and therefore, unsafe. My crew would retreat and stage for police. Perhaps that’s not the worst thing though….. given the cost of medical supplies, maybe we could inadvertently save the taxpayers some money. I mean it’s not likely that anyone there has insurance anyway.

  5. It is LONG past time that neighborhoods like these be stripped of ALL public services until and unless they prove willing to act in a civilized manner.

    And by ‘all’ I don’t just mean things like EMTs and police. I mean water, sewage, electricity and phone service as well. If they want to act like savages, they can live like them too.

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