CDC pulled and ATF and is now mandating masks in all ways of public transportation including rideshares services.

PEMBROKE PARK, Fla. – Throughout the pandemic, Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis held steadfast about his position on mask wearing. In November, he extended his executive order that banned local governments from enforcing mask mandate violations.

Now, at least as far as public transportation goes, there is no more fine line about wearing a mask. Starting Monday at 11:59 p.m., if you are inside an airport, on a bus, train, ferry or ship, or taking a ride-share such as Uber, Lyft, or a taxi, it is a federal directive to wear a face covering.

CDC’s mask mandate starts Monday at 11:59 p.m.

I simply do not see the FBI’s HRT coming to arrest some cranky old Cuban in Calle Ocho because he refuses to wear the appropriate mask during the bus ride.

But what defines an appropriate mask? The good folks of the CDC are very helpful describing it but this particular point made me laugh:

Masks made from loosely woven fabric or that are knitted, i.e., fabrics that let light pass through

So what I did was fetch one of my flashlights and test the two facemask types I have (gaiter not included) and see if they survive the test. The double layered extra large thick black one designed for bearded guys seemed like a sure bet to pass the tests…and nope, I could see light coming through.

So next I went to the box of disposable masks, the mask being used by possibly 80% of the population and medical personnel and take a wild guess what happened? Yup, lumens upon lumens of light just shined through. Not only the CDC just declared the masks useless, but confirmed the idea that the darned things have always been a joke and nothing but a theatrical costume, something many people have been saying from Day One.

That can only mean something: Some factory in China is poised to make billions manufacturing the new masks capable of pass the new Federal mandate. Hey, something had to be done by POTUS* to apologize for the actions of Trump against China’s economic interests.

*POTUS: (Pederast Of The United States)



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “And suddenly no mask is good enough”
  1. If you write “Black Lives Matter” on the mask, then regardless of the material it is made from, it makes it 100% effective at preventing SARS-COVID-2 transmission.

  2. So the clear plastic face shields are out, too.

    Perhaps a mask made of black LDPE would work, and because the masks are being worn because of the kung flu, we call call all the suffocations “COVID deaths”.

  3. “Dr.” Faucci has backtracked yet again on wearing two masks because there is “no data” regarding the effectiveness of multiple masks. Of course, the actual data shows no real benefit from wearing a single mask. But actual data hasn’t stoped Faucci from flip-flopping on masks, flattening the curve, vaccine effectiveness, et. al.

  4. On a different tack, why does the have any say so over “an airport, on a bus, train, ferry or ship, or taking a ride-share such as Uber, Lyft, or a taxi”?

    OK, I’ll grant airport although I’m not sure why. The FAA and DHS long ago took over those things. But private vehicles? Ferries or ships are privately owned, as are Uber or Lyft vehicles. Buses – depends on the bus; they might be owned by the municipality or they might be a private company. I don’t see why they have the authority to tell an individual what to wear in their own vehicle.

    What gives them the authority to make this ruling?

    1. Si, it has a say because they hate the Constitution as their predecessors have done ever since 1789.
      They have no authority, the Constitution is absolutely clear about that in at least two places, but they have always gotten away with these abuses and I fully expect they will continue to do so. So long as the number of politicians, in all three or more branches, who obey the Constitution can be counted on the thumbs of two hands, that will continue.

  5. I am reminded of what Fauxi said when he did the two mask thing a few days ago.

    “It is just common sense.” (Paraphrased.)

    And, guess what. So is pretty much every “guideline” coming out about this virus, and the mandates. From what I can tell, not a single bit of it is based on a real scientific, repeatable study. It is all based on “common sense.”

    Stand further away from people who are sick, and you are less likely to catch it yourself. See, common sense. Setting sweeping public policy on that, and arresting people who stand too close? Stupidity, not common sense. Same with masking, with quarantining the healthy, etc…

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