The Adair OK police Officer is Adulfo Carlos (probably Adolfo) and he simply loses it from minute one. But it is not only the temper tantrum under color of the badge that should have him fired, it is the fact that he detains the guy at least twice, places him inside, shifts the cups to the front, lets him go, grabs them again and it is not till he finally arrests him on bogus threat to LEO charge, the officer finally pats him down and finds out the male is carrying a concealed weapon.  Officer Carlos accuses the guy of having anger problems? Ha! if he really did, he would have plugged his ass several times without a problem.

Last I saw, Officer Carlos is suspended, a first good step.

Seriously, this officer needs to be fired and not allowed in any other jurisdiction, maybe Jalisco or Tijuana where his behavior is not only accepted but encouraged.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “And then you have really crappy cops.”
  1. Man what a massive scumbag that cop was.

    Also a reminder to tell your wife(ves) to not say anything. I feel bad for that guy and that lady, she was clearly just trying to get the situation over.

  2. Wow! This cop (Carlos) is giving a bad names to all LEOs! He broke all the rules of a safe traffic stop, lied constantly, didn’t know the LAW, and was on an obvious power trip. He and his un-named partner (who didn’t do anything to de-escalate the situation nor didn’t tell “Carlos the mad masked cop” that he was wrong on everything) must be fired!!! No excuse!

  3. Classic small town speed trap. In a city that uses those sorts of tactics, is it any surprise that the cops that serve it are corrupt?

    Any good cops that happen to get hired there probably leave as soon as they get a whiff of the stench.

  4. A $795 fine, loss of a firearm, and loss of CWP? I would come back with a lawyer and introduce the bodycam as evidence that none of that happened to get everything (even the traffic ticket) dismissed, then I would sue the cop for civil rights violations.
    This entire event was completely fabricated. This cop is the exact reason why I agree with the man- he IS the reason why cops get hurt.

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