By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “And this gives me a sliver of hope for the Country”
  1. Last night, I found myself wondering what the fireworks supply will look like next year… given that the factories are in, I believe, China.
    (We didn’t go shopping for a truckload of celebratory munitions, despite just having moved to a place where they’re legal. Dang Pestilence! But we did (just sitting on the front porch) get a good view of a half-dozen fairly impressive family displays, with bits of several more peeking above the trees. Next year, supply chain permitting, we’ll have our own. And maybe I’ll finally get around to building a carriage for that quarter-scale six-pounder.)

  2. One of the reasons that small family displays went out of style and were made illegal was for fire and safety reasons.

    I wonder how many people that have been told “you are too stupid to use fireworks safely” will be willing to forgo family fireworks next year?

    Having made my own mortars in the past, it is show, tedious work. My results were substandard, but the boom shells did make a big boom.

  3. This is what lockdown fatigue looks like. The Governor and Mayor locked down the city and state and tried to ruin everyone’s 4th. The people rebelled. Not by rioting and looting but with a massive fireworks display.

  4. The footage is beautiful. Newsom’s attempt to cancel the 4th didn’t work.

    This said, what a vile cesspool Twitter is. Read the replies to that post. Those people are all worthless and weak.

  5. We had lots of splody stuff here – and we participated in creating the residual smoke that hung on through the night ?

  6. Our small city has put on a pretty nice display for the past couple of years, but bowed to the virus crap this year. You can protest, but you can’t watch fireworks. Worked out well anyway, we had MASSIVE thunderstorms just before dark last night.
    But, BOY did the citizens put on almost as good of a private display last night as the city did last year. Only problem was that they were scattered all around us instead of concentrated in one location. Kinda hard to locate just where to look.
    I was proud of my neighbors though.

  7. I have fond memories from when I lived in the Bay Area, California, of riding up along Skyline Drive and finding one of the overlooks that has a view down towards San Jose and northwards. 4th of July, and New Year’s Eve, were pretty nice times to up there with a few friends.

    1. Ah, looking down on the South Bay from the hills!
      One upon a time, before the rich people moved in next to the park and got the rules changed, it was OK to hike up Mission Peak (in Fremont) in the late evening and return long after sunset. ‘Twas a fine vantage point for gazing down upon the various fireworks displays.

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