It was sucking the meth pipe that pissed us off, not sucking dick.  Florida owes God a collective Novena that this sucker lost and was not in charge during the Wuhan V. crisis.

PS: How many members of the press, both Floridian and national probably knew about his addiction but chose to keep quiet? Think about that one.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Andrew Gillum comes out”
  1. I noticed he didn’t come out, “I am bisexual.”

    He came out, “I identify as bisexual.”

    He may or may not be, but “identifying” doesn’t make it true; it just makes it socially unacceptable to question.

    IOW, he moved himself up a notch on the “marginalization matrix”, kept himself in the news, drew attention away from his meth addiction, AND implicitly accused the voters of the State of Florida of LGBT-phobia, all at no personal cost to himself.

    1. Let’s place our bets on what the scandal will be.
      I’m going with kiddy diddler to win, sexual harasser of men to place, and sexual harasser of chicks to show.

  2. Well, given our media, if he did win and was in charge, you wouldn’t know how bad it was … so there’s that, I guess…?

    Sorry, Mondays are not my preferred days for trying to make lemonade.

  3. I’ve been openly bisexual basically since puberty… I never “came out” because I was never “in the closet” in the first place. I’m 39 years old, been married to the same man since ‘03. Prior to that relationship, I dated both men and women.

    Somehow, I never found myself smoking meth in a motel room with prostitutes… None of the LGBT folks in my circle of friends, family, and business acquaintances have either. It’s not actually a requisite part of the bisexual orientation.

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