Miss Wilkie covers the White House for CNBC.com, so she is not precisely working for Sean Hannity.

She is not making up the change either, WAPO itself twitted about it:

Now, remember, when we complain that they are not in touch with their readers (specially if they happen to be from the “wrong” political spectrum) they rebut they must maintain journalistic integrity and publish things people may not want to hear. And here is confirmation they are full of shit.

Both covers side by side just to keep record of the change which I am sure has nothing to do with politicos being butt hurt.

I am not even going to ask if their staff levels have been shrinking in the last years and not because of robots taking over jobs.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Another Newspaper Idiocy.”
  1. The Left’s hate has blinded them.
    They are so spittle and rage filled that they can’t see the proper & best way to actually garner victory for their own side.

    If the Left was to go with a “credit where credit is due” sort of narrative, then they would be able to gain some ground. People will listen and pay attention when they think you are being fair.

    Instead, it’s hate, hate, HATE! HATE!! with negatives, all the time. And if you don’t play along, we will hate you too!!! That sort of thing gets old quick, and people stop listening- or even have the opposite reaction to that intended.

    One rule of advertising is that you never mention your competition by name. By doing so, you are actually promoting them (no such thing as bad press). The bad stuff kind of blurs, and what most people hear is “blah bla Trump blah bla bla Trump blah bla”. And since things are getting better under President Trump, this combines to promote an overall good impression.

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