in my very IANAL opinion, almost anything used as a projectile that has the capability to break windows, also has the capability to produce death or grave bodily harm. And it could be a rock, a brick or a Molotov cocktail coming though the busted window. Do I need to wait for the flames in my living room to legally defend my family?

We are faced again with “what is the law in your State and what will your local DA will do”  if you are forced to used deadly force by the “mostly peaceful protectors.”

In some Jurisdictions, Jose Jamal Odinson can get away with this behavior with a slap on the wrist and a free picture while you end up in jail if you place the red dot on his chest without even pulling the trigger.

This is the most insidious form of Gun Control and its most effective.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Antifa/BLM attacking private homes. Does the “New Normal” raises to use of defensive deadly force?”
  1. Multiple commies should have been lying dead in the streets. Any LEO who attempts to ascertain who may have participated in defense of themselves and community should be forcefully driven out of the area and if they persist then they are one of the commies. We have no place for LEOs on our streets (think about what the acronym stands for). We do need actual Police who use judgement and Nullification, ie: just didn’t find anything. 99% of people have no clue what the difference is, public education works… Here is a hint though; I worked in a Federal Prison and that IS LEO work.

    1. You’re saying we don’t need officers who enforce the law, we need officers who let their own politics and personal code of ethics dictate their “enforcement”? Why not just skip it and go to full time vigilantism, since that’s basically what it would be. I agree that officers ought to use their judgement…and to a large degree they do, with minor offenses. Insisting that officers should just enforce the law as they see fit might be fine….unless they happen to incline more on the other side than on your side. What then? You’ll have cops targeting gun owners and finding excuses to arrest them, while ignoring robbery and assault by blacks and leftists. The law is supposed to be the law, and an officer’s job is to enforce it. I don’t understand what your problem is with the concept of “Law Enforcement Officers”. That’s what Police ARE or supposed to be. You are as bad as the Democrats is Congress who think that rather than CHANGE the law they say they disagree with, they should just blame ICE for doing the job they were hired to do, which is to enforce it. The system for making laws does not provide for a police officer veto power, wherein a legal law passed through legal means can be made null and void by a de facto veto via police nullification. In the case of the Democrats it’s even worse, because it’s literally THEIR job to make laws, yet they would rather blame ICE for enforcing the legitimate laws that are on the books.
      I don’t say police nullification does not and can not ever happen. But demanding it to be the norm is just dangerous and wrongheaded. And as long as we live in a culture that demonizes police and encourages this “us vs them” mindset, where the police feel ostracised and unappreciated, making them behave in ways that further alienate the public, we aren’t going to go back to the days of Officer Jones walking the streets and greeting the people by name (especially not now with most towns being cities of hundreds of thousands of people instead of quiet small towns of a few thousand, where the people DO all know each other).

  2. This is going to get out of hand, and probably a lot too fast.

    What really is the root cause of the problem? Harming the protesters is not going to solve the problem. They are a symptom. (that does not mean your right to be safe and secure in your home and person is no longer in full effect. If you are in danger, defend yourself.)

    The problem is a society where feelings have been placed above facts. It is an environment where not getting everything you want as soon as you ask for it is a form of oppression. The problem is that we have several generations of people who were taught to hate their country because it is imperfect. They were taught to ignore the good, while focusing on the imperfections.

    The problem is amplified by a compliant media and politicians that feed into that miasma of psych problems for their benefit. It is amplified by tech companies run by individuals of the same mindset believing that squashing any differing opinions is a public service.

    So, what do we do about it?

    Adopt some of their tactics. Read Rules for Radicals, and realize that Alinsky was a genius. His understanding of human nature, and how to manipulate a crowd is unparalleled. Too bad he used it to tear things down, instead of build society up.

    I watched the VP “debate” last night, and there were several points where VP Pence could have employed rule #s 3, 4, 5, 9, 13 with devastating results. But, Pence is making the mistake of playing by a different set of rules. Kamela Mattress had no problem employing rule 5 repeatedly.

    This is not going to end any time soon. When Trump gets re-elected it will get worse.

    1. These are not protesters, so when you start with such a basic category error, the rest of your point gets ignored.

      They are rioters. When they smash windows on private homes, they are home invaders. When they throw Molotovs, they are arsonists.

      1. No, actually “insurrectionist” fits the bill more accurately. Or “revolutionaries”. Rioters just riot. There is no real system or desired outcome, hardly even a motive. While there are plenty of those types running around, the main energy is coming from what is effectively a mob of open insurrectionists carrying out an open revolution through violence and intimidation.

  3. The new norm will them breaking into peoples houses and murdering the homeowners. It may start with one or two homes in a neighborhood but when antifa realizes it is legal for them to go door to door and kill every single person they find and not only that but it will be fully illegal for The homeowner to defend themselves even after antifa have broken into the homeowners home they will realize they can go door to door of every single home in every single neighborhood and murder every single solitary person in that neighborhood and not get in trouble. And when people at large start shooting back they can then claim victim status, arm up and then go door to door of every single private home and kill every single solitary person that is not in full support of them. I’m talking literally thousands if not tens of thousands of people every single day being killed by these terrorists. But because they are far left in murdering people that do not support the far left is perfectly legal in these places nothing will happen. However if the people at large start resisting and shooting these terrorists legislation will be passed by the Democrats making it actually legal for antifa to go door-to-door to murder everyone they find.Americans will react accordingly. However this does not matter to a government that would have no problem with that point deploying the entire nuclear arsenal, over 6000 nuclear warheads all at once in a deliberate effort to exterminate all human life in the United States. Except for them of course. And I say that knowing that I’m being insanely hyperbolic but I have come to the conclusion that they are that evil and insane and to them they view the extermination of over 300 million United States citizens as not only morally righteous and justified but absolutely necessary to bring about their Utopia.

    Remember, they hate you and want you dead. However in this sense they hate every single solitary human being that is not them and want every single solitary United States citizen not them exterminated. This mindset is actually running the Democratic Party right now. And most democrat controlled cities.

  4. Take the fight to the Dem politicians, treat them the same way. If it’s election season why can’t we shoot politicans? Do we need a license?

    1. That’s the scenario Matthew Bracken wrote about. So far it hasn’t escalated to that point. One would hope that control and sanity are restored enough that it won’t.
      Unfortunately, with a lot of politicians supporting the criminals, there is reason to worry.

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