I saw this earlier from one of the independent reporters covering the protests/riots in Seattle.

Moving through the Capitol Hill, hitting a Starbucks. Smoke is coming out the window and people are now calling for the residents above to evacuate. pic.twitter.com/71Ssie3hai


One of the residents of that building has a Twitter account.

His apartment is damaged, he may not be able to return home for some time, he lives in the middle of riot central, so what conclusion does he come to?



They are just peaceful protests until they burn the business below your apartment and possibly leave explosives behind.

Welcome to the gun-owning club.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “Antifa turns another Liberal into a gun owner”
  1. Thankfully Modern Commercial Construction and Commercial Furnishings are relatively fireproof. Most Building Codes also require sprinklers too.

    I say this because if the arsonists set fire to your building in a riot, the Fire Department ain’t showing up anytime soon. You are on your own.

    1. Some lessons have to be learned the hard way. His clue-by-four came in the form of an arson attack on his apartment building.

      1. Probably not enough. They would have to of personally attacked and tried to murder him. Even then the conditioning might be too strong.

        He may buy a gun but in the end will still vote D down the line.

  2. What will be delicious is that this immature, impulsive, foolish Leftist will use that firearm on his compatriots and fellow travelers at the next riot that threatens him or his property. He’ll kill someone who shares his warped worldview and end up in prison. Now, that’s the type of “friendly fire” that I can get behind.

    1. I wish I could disagree with your scenario.

      Up to this point, I think (hope?) most people who didn’t grow up with guns, but buy one later in lift, have made their gun purchase(s) after some thoughtful reflection on themselves, how they might use it, and so forth. Or at least that’s the impression I’ve had from talking with people at the local range, and first-time purchasers in gun shops pre-COVID.

      I suspect that’s changing to at least some degree – less thoughtful reflection, more “OMG THEY MIGHT COME FOR ME NEXT I NEED A MAGIC TALISMAN TO PROTECT MYSELF NOW NOW NOW!!!”

  3. This liberal will still vote for Biden and probably blames Trump for everything.

    He says he’s going to get a gun. Wonder what he’s going to think about current cost and availability? Meaning he won’t find crap and what he does find will be marked up 50% higher than it should.

    1. Yeah but he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and isn’t likely to ask anyone who knows better. Remember, he’s of the “proudly ignorant about guns” tribe.

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