And this is the video they decided to show:

And that is the idea you get specially with the “explanation” given.

Which clearly leaves a LOT out and gives a perception of a heartless killing. Hell, he left the poor old man on the ground and ran away! There is no settlement: one neighbor drew his gun in a dangerous and/or threatening matter without a warning and the other neighbor responded to the Deadly Force threat. Could have been avoided by other means? Maybe, who knows and I don’t know the whole story between them.

Now compare the above with a longer version of the incident which shows more on the beginning and the end. watch it all, it ain’t that long.

We know from my previous post that the DA called the incident Self-Defense. But even that is not to the liking of somebody in AP who had to fudge with the data instead of delivering the news.

AP is being factual but still managed to twist the story to fit a Narrative.  So, I am calling this one Fake News.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “AP Lawnmower Story: Accurate but not True.”
  1. Why was the camera set up beforehand? Didi the guy on this side expect trouble, or to catch his neighbor at something? It did look like the neighbor was jimmying the fence.

    The whole story between these two would be interesting.

  2. Two Knucleheads. There are probably dozens of legal remedies they could have pursued before it came to this. Frankly I think both men give gun ownership a bad rap.

  3. I get that the older man “brandished” but couldn’t he argue that he did it because he is not as physically fit as the firefighter and felt threatened when approached by him?

    1. Ability, Opportunity and Jeopardy.

      It does not matter if the firefighter can kick his ass, but that he was about to do so which the video does not show.
      And yes, both were knuckleheads, but one just upped the ante too much.

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