You heard the rumor: It seems they can’t sell enough regular capacity magazines to California… GOOD!

What impressed me is the price and the amounts being offered by Brownells:

That is Magpul AR magazines under $10! And offered in lots of one hundred to boot.  Free shipping…damn.

I predict more than one household in California “having some ‘splainin’ to do” in the coming days.

Yes, I am tempted. No, I have to save for other stuff.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “AR 15 Magazine Sales Going Crazy.”
  1. I’ve made a deliberate choice to not purchase any standard capacity magazines online until either the judge’s ruling is stayed or upheld pending appeal. I want to give our California kith and kin first dibs.

    (I am, however, contemplating putting in an order for reduced capacity (10- to 20-rounders), as I find them a little handier when shooting off a bench … and clearly demand for them should be down for the moment.)

      1. On a cost per round held basis, yep. But it makes sense if you think of a mag as a top piece, bottom piece, follower, body and spring. Most of the pieces are the same regardless of mag capacity, and even though the spring is a different length, the forming you do at the ends is the same.

        And I’m okay with paying a bit for my personal convenience.

  2. Here’s the problem. We all know the 9th circuit will rule en banc on this and the ban will be law again. This means all those magazine being sold will be illegal and a felony to own. Ca WILL subpeana these retailers and get there customer list. They will be forced to surrender them as ca goes door to door to take them; by force if necessary and ruin the lives of these people. They hate us and want us dead. Going door to door to confiscate gun stuff and killing as many gun owners in the process is the progressive wet dream. Freedom is not allowed and must be enforced and if that means oppressing and even killing a few gun owners to them that’s a good thing.

    Sure they won’t get all of them. But that’s not the point. They will become instant felons and if convicted will lose there rights. That is a positive for the state.

      1. Does Brownells even have a physical presence in CA? If not, then what are the repercussions for just telling the state to go pound sand?

    1. Do a little math- figure how many homes in Ca , give 2 people a half hour to search and multiply that by number of homes. You will get a YUGE number of man hours. Will they go d2d?? Doubt it. I did the math for NJ and came up with 824 YEARS to go d2d… just my 2c.

      1. Plus, they will NEVER search Compton or Malibu. Which says to me they wouldn’t even start d2d searches, because the gaps would give the game away.

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