ATLANTA — There has been an alarming rise in violent crime in Atlanta over the past month.
Atlanta police say murders are up 86% over 28 days last month compared to the same time last year.
There is also a 22% rise in aggravated assaults and a 14% increase in burglaries.

City of Atlanta sees massive spike in crime over last month – we dig into what’s going on

Hey, How’s that Blue Covid working out for you now? Your dumb politicians declared Police the enemy in your name, right? Why should cops take a bullet or an indictment for you, then?

City Councilman Antonia Brown believes some people see the protests and tensions with police as an opportunity to commit crime.
“It’s just unfortunate that there are individuals that are taking advantage of the opportunity of this divide between police and community, and you have incidents like this that are happening,” Brown said.

No shit, Junior? You really did not see this coming? Either you are lying or you are all kinds of unmitigated stupid. Were you expecting criminals to act honorable and stop their evil ways just because you went after the ones that faced them?  Please tell me you saw this in high school:  What happens to one species when you remove its natural predator, the one that keeps the numbers in check from the ecosystem?

 Brown said the deadly shootings need to stop.

Send in the Social Workers packing essential oils and New Age music. I am sure that will work.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Atlanta Councilman surprised criminals take advantage of less cops.”
    1. These people were all educated under the same Lefty principles of Utopianism. They do not base their actions on effect and common sense but ideology. This is why Leftists get pressed for their intentions and do things we know will cause problems in the real world. They are always shocked with the actual effects are very different then what their utopian ideals predicted.

  1. Martha Stout should be required reading for all college students, and elected or appointed administrators and officials.
    Once people get it through their thick heads that 4% of all humans are born psychopaths, and cannot be cured, and will never change, their eyes will be opened and they will realize that utopia is impossible.
    That’s one out of 25 humans. You probably know one or two. The smart and clever ones are very good at hiding the fact that they do not, cannot, and forever will not give a shit about their fellow humans.
    Let that sink in.
    4% of all humans are born that way and will never change.

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