Not just the one Saint Greta want us to believe in.

Two dozen people in the Australian state of New South Wales have been charged with starting brushfires in the past two months, the New South Wales Police said in a statement Monday. In addition, the state said had taken legal action against 183 people for brushfire-related charges.
The police announcement comes as Australia deals with devastating wildfires that have killed 24 people, killed hundreds of thousands of animals and have burnt millions of acres of forest.
According to the New South Wales police, 24 people have been arrested for deliberately starting brushfires since Nov. 8 — a charge that carries a maximum sentence of 21 years in prison should the suspect be proven to be “reckless about its spread.”

24 people have been arrested for intentionally setting brushfires in New South Wales since November

24 dead. There is a reason why in some states of our fair country,Arson is considered a crime big enough to use Deadly Force against the criminal firebugs.

I understand the very stupid concept of Slash and Burn farming done in South America, but burning forests for the hell of it is just plain dangerous evildoing. But these arsonists at least did a favor to the alarmists Global Warming groups and help them with their revenue income.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Australian Wildfires: Caused by Man Made Global Warming after all.”
  1. The Australian wild fires are man made in the sense that global warming is man made. The primary man who made Global Warming was James Hansen at NASA who adjusted the temperature records to make it look like warming was happening. Then there’s Michael Mann who recreated the temperature record for all of recorded history by the growth rings of ONE tree in the world. Of course there are others.

    The work is so bad it’s a wonder anyone believes it besides an autistic 17 year old girl from Sweden.

    1. I’ve been looking at source data on occasion. Once was some years ago when I found a world-wide weather observation database. Downloaded it and started to look at it. Dumped it a few hours later when I realized the data had been “seasonally adjusted”. I’m not particularly interested in “weather data” that doesn’t even show that winters are colder than summers.
      More recently I found “Greenland ice core temperature data” (GISP2). That apparently shows temperature history over the centuries, as reflected (somehow — I didn’t see the details) in the ice deposited that year. Fascinating stuff, because it goes back over 10k years and shows that the temperature variations in the past couple of centuries are trivial compared to what has been seen before. One example I didn’t know of was a warm period around the time of Caesar, and another (warmer still) around 1500 BC. Both substantially warmer than now. In fact, temperatures right now are within a degree of the coldest of the past 5 millennia, and over a degree colder than the medieval warm period — when Greenland was discovered by the Vikings and given its name.
      So there is some data worth looking at, but it takes effort to find.

  2. Then there’s Nature itself- some Aussie birds have learned to tote and drop bits of burning bits to set fires and flush out prey.

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