J. Kb

Trans-grooming children is a cult

A cult is a system of deep religious devotion to an idea or person.  One of the salient aspects of a cult is that cults are always harmful.  Cults manipulate and abuse their devotees in the interest of the cult against the interest of the member.

The current transgender movement is every bit a cult with the object of religious fanaticism being a perverse idea of gender and sexuality.

EXCLUSIVE: ‘I knew the hormones wouldn’t work. Why did they play with her life?’ Bereaved mom blames LA County for her teenage daughter’s suicide, claiming school pushed her to transition to a male instead of properly treating her depression

A California mother says the government wrongfully took away her daughter, pushed the girl into transitioning to male, and is to blame for his suicide age 19.

Andrew Martinez, born Yaeli, stepped in front of a train on September 4, 2019.

In an exclusive interview with DailyMail.com, bereaved mother Abigail Martinez accused her Los Angeles County school of encouraging Yaeli to take hormones and undergo gender reassignment surgery as a child, while failing to properly treat her severe depression.

Martinez, 53, a mother of four, claimed school staff told Yaeli not to speak to her mother about transgender issues, but secretly had her join an LGBTQ group that persuaded the girl that the only way to be happy was to transition.

In a statement to DailyMail.com, LA County agreed that they ‘aggressively pursued the implementation of inclusive, gender-affirming laws, policies and supportive services for LGBTQ+ youth,’ but partially laid the blame for Andrew’s death on ‘higher rates of suicide’ among queer young people.

‘The school was telling her to go to these LGBT groups behind my back. She went from questioning her sexuality to her gender.

‘She had these peers at school two years older than her. They were the ones who brought these ideas – ‘Maybe you’re depressed because don’t you feel like you’re a boy?’ – and the school was supportive of that.

‘The school told her these groups were the place to go, and I didn’t need to know about it.

But the mother claimed it was Yaeli’s depression that was the problem, not gender dysphoria.

Yaeli had already tried to overdose on pills in eighth grade in 2014, and tried to jump off a bridge near the freeway in her hometown of Arcadia in her freshman year, shortly after she cut her hair short, attracting the attention of social workers.

Instead of proper treatment for mental illness, Martinez said her daughter was encouraged by the school and her LGBT support group to take hormones and pursue gender reassignment surgery, and cut Martinez out of the process.

This is absolutely cult behavior.

This was a girl with some sort of emotional issue, probably depression.

Rather than seriously try to help her, they saw that she was vulnerable to being indoctrinated into the cult and did just that.

They didn’t make her better.  They made her worse, drove her to suicide, and then absolved themselves with the statistics of transgender suicide.

The truly sickening thing is that this cult has members in the highest positions of government and media influence.

It’s why Lia Thompson is allowed to beat girls in the pool and Rachel Levine was voted Women of the Year.

We should be able to object to such insanity but the cult has too many people in too many high places and we are afraid.

How dare you say “I can see the bulge of the dick and balls of the First Place girl through his swimsuit.”  You might get fired are hounded by the media for being a bigot.

But this is a cult.

If you have children, especially children with emotional vulnerabilities, beware of the cult’s desire to recruit your children into their evil machinations.

The woodchipper will be the symbol of my administration


Everyone who manufactures, sells, buys, or advocates the use of this or any other “gender affirming” products aimed at prepubescent children will be fed to the chipper.




Every single participant in this atrocity would be chippers and the venue burned to the ground.

This cancer must be excised from society.


The revenge of the managerial elites

This grotesquely obvious Tweet from Bloomberg News:


An income of $300,000 is in the top 98.9%.

So pretty much, everyone who is not in the top 1% is getting fucked.

The political elite in this country, people worth millions of dollars despite years and decades on government salaries, are insulated from the negative effects of their policies by their money while the rest of us suffer.

I keep saying what is being done is not incompetence.

It’s malicious.

It is the elite grinding us into the ground, reminding us of our place under their boot heel.

We were supposed to elect Hillary Clinton.

We were supposed to let them grift their way into more wealth.

But we didn’t elect Hillary.

We elected Trump, and for four years we prospered.

They wrestled back the reins of power under despicable circumstances and now will make us pay for our insolence.

We are entering a world of neo-feudalism.

Either you are a member of the top 1% as a member of the well-connected managerial elite, or you will be ground into economic hardship until you learn to live in a pod, eat bugs, and take public transportation to your soulless job as a drone in a mega-corporation.



On seeing myself represented in movies and on TV

As I prepared my last post and read articles on why people are justifying gay romance on kids movies, one theme, and more specifically one word, keeps coming up: representation.

I’ve seen this a lot.  Whenever a movie with an obviously engineered “cast of diverse characters” comes out, or an existing franchise has established characters replaced with diverse characters, you see the word representation used.

I’ve read countless OpEds why it’s so important that the next James Bond, Superman, The Doctor, or whomever is a black transgender non-binary disabled lesbian, just so the writer can feel representation in the movies.

I have to say, I have only once, sort of, seen myself represented in a movie or on TV.

But J.Kb, how can you say that?  There are lots of white and Jewish male characters on TV.

Easy, none of them represented me, except make one.  And he wasn’t played by a Jewish actor.

I hate just about every Jewish character I’ve ever seen.

To the man they are weak, sickly, nerdy, awkward, Jewey characters.

They are every stereotype of the pushover Jewish guy who lives with his mom, or surrogate mom wife, is a boneless as a gifilte fish, and is so sickly he’s taken out by a glass of milk.

If you watch movies, every Jewish man is a five-foot five-inch, hen-picked accountant from NYC with an inhaler.

That’s not me not do I want it to be.

There are many Jewish actors in Hollywood who don’t fit this stereotype.

James Caan

Harvey Kitel

Oded Fehr

Mandy Patinkin

Ron Perlman

But they never play Jewish characters.

(Singlular exception being Kitel very recently playing Meyer Lansky.)

The only Jewish character I ever identified with was Walter Sobchak.

A fat, bearded Jewish guy with anger issues, a penchant for carry vest and cargo shorts, who drives a full size van, and packs a 1911.

That’s pretty much me.

And he was played by the not Jewish John Goodman.

So maybe I’ll start to care more about representation when ever representation of what is supposed to be me isn’t a grotesque and offensive caricature.


The LGBT groomer minority has taken over Disney

I’m getting pretty sure that QAnon will turn out to be the most factually accurate reporting on the planet.

It is shocking, absolutely shocking, how a small minority of people managed to get themselves into positions where they then force grooming and sexual degeneracy into children, despite the overwhelming will of parents.

Workers at animation studio Pixar claim that Disney execs have demanded they cut ‘nearly every moment of overtly gay affection’: CEO Bob Chapek is under fire for not opposing so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill

Pixar employees have accused their parent company Disney of cutting gay characters from their films, in the latest salvo fired by staff amid a row about the entertainment giant’s stance on gay rights.

Disney CEO Bob Chapek, who only took over in January, has been criticized for not condemning a Florida bill passed on Tuesday limiting LGBTQ discussion in schools.

In a memo to staff on Monday, Chapek tried to quell the anger, writing: ‘I want to be crystal clear: I and the entire leadership team unequivocally stand in support of our LGBTQ+ employees, their families, and their communities. And, we are committed to creating a more inclusive company – and world.’

Yet on Thursday, Pixar staff questioned the company’s claims in a letter obtained by Variety.

‘We at Pixar have personally witnessed beautiful stories, full of diverse characters, come back from Disney corporate reviews shaved down to crumbs of what they once were,’ the letter states.

‘Even if creating LGBTQIA+ content was the answer to fixing the discriminatory legislation in the world, we are being barred from creating it.’

The letter claims that ‘nearly every moment of overtly gay affection’ had been cut, despite ‘protest from both the creative teams and executive leadership.’

Why are Pixar employees trying to force gay relationships into kids’ movies?

Are they planning a another Cars movie full of Jettas, Miatas, and Subarus?

Good for Disney for remembering that they are a family movie company and stopping that…

Oh never mind.

Same-Sex Kiss Restored in Pixar’s ‘Lightyear’ Following Staff Uproar Over ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill (EXCLUSIVE)

On March 9, LGBTQ employees and allies at Pixar Animation Studios sent a joint statement to Walt Disney Company leadership claiming that Disney executives had actively censored “overtly gay affection” in its feature films. The stunning allegation — made as part of a larger protest over the company’s lack of public response to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill — did not include which Pixar films had weathered the censorship, nor which specific creative decisions were cut or altered.

But in at least one case, the statement appears to have made a significant difference.

According to a source close to the production, Pixar’s next feature film, “Lightyear” — starring Chris Evans as the putative real-life inspiration for the “Toy Story” character Buzz Lightyear — does feature a significant female character, Hawthorne (voiced by Uzo Aduba), who is in a meaningful relationship with another woman. While the fact of that relationship was never in question at the studio, a kiss between the characters had been cut from the film. Following the uproar surrounding the Pixar employees’ statement and Disney CEO Bob Chapek’s handling of the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, however, the kiss was reinstated into the movie last week.

The LGBT groomer demographic at Disney go butthurt (metaphorically) and Disney folded rather than have the internet hate mob go after them.

You know, absolutely know for an absolute fact, that the lesbian kiss WILL NOT be left in the Chinese cut of that movie.

So we have a company that was built on family friendly children’s entertainment and now it contains a contingent of activist employees who have the goal of injecting their groomer sexual proclivities into that entertainment, and a multi billion dollar corporation bows to them.

And parents, by and large, don’t want this.

So tell me again how the idea that major sectors of government and business are not run by a small pedophile oligarchy that exists to groom children.

I can’t wait to hear it.

The radical Left wants to die on the unpopular hill of grooming children

Wide margin of voters support key element of Florida sex education bill, poll finds

A wide margin of American voters support banning the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity to students from kindergarten to third grade, a key element of Florida’s controversial sexual education bill, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll.

Fifty-one percent of Americans who responded to the poll say they support “banning the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten through third grade” while 35% are opposed, representing a 16-point margin. Also, 52% of respondents say they supported limiting the same type of discussion in other grades based on how “age-appropriate” they are.


So despite a massive and unified media campaign against the bill, and the POLITICO poll calling the bill by it’s inaccurate media appellation, it still got majority support.

Americans don’t like grooming children but the radical Left is intent on doing it anyway.

I’m glad polling like this is comming out and the tide is starting to turn.

Child groomers need to understand,we are not locked in here with them, they are locked in here with us.

And if they want to die on the hill of being allowed to groom children, I am happy to oblige them with woodchippers.