J. Kb

Good news: Idaho has discovered this is the way

According to the linked article:

Idaho’s state House of Representatives has approved the most far-reaching bill yet to criminalize medical treatments for transgender youth, a measure that threatens anyone who facilitates that treatment — or even helps a minor travel to another state to receive gender-affirming care — to be sentenced to life in prison.

The measure, approved Tuesday on a mostly party-line vote, adds medical care for transgender youth to a section of Idaho law already on the books that bans female genital mutilation.

As it absolutely should.  “Gender conformation surgery” is just genital mutilation performed by a fundamentalist Leftist doctor instead of a fundamentalist Islamist.  Butchering a child’s sex organs out of religious ideology is wrong.

“This bill is about protecting children, which is a legitimate state interest. We do that all of the time,” the bill’s lead sponsor, state Rep. Bruce Skaug (R), said on the House floor. “We need to stop sterilizing and mutilating children under the age of 18. This bill is not about the adults or adult trans community at all. It is about children.”

Absolutely correct.

Idaho’s bill is one of dozens of measures related to transgender youth that have been introduced in Republican-led legislatures across the country this year, and 25 that target medical treatment for transgender people specifically. Legislators in Tennessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, Arizona, Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kentucky and New Hampshire are all considering multiple bills related to transgender medical care.

It is not certain that those measures will stand up to scrutiny. Strangio, of the ACLU, pointed to an Arkansas law that was blocked by a judge earlier this year. A Texas judge last week put on hold a state agency’s move to investigate the mother of a transgender girl under orders from Gov. Greg Abbott (R).

I’m a simple man.

I like simple ideas.

Ideas like “if you cut the tits off a 15 year old girl who’s unhappy because she spends too much time on social media,  you deserve to go to jail forever.”

Actually, you deserve to be fed feet first into a woodchipper, but the 8th Amendment apparently exists to protect pedophiles from people like me.

Idaho needs to pass this bill.

Then every other Red state after that.

There is no defense for allowing a moody teenager with a social media addiction to be sexually mutilated.


Secretary Pete’s husband is a groomer at a gay camp


What sort of parent sends their child to a gay camp where apparently everything is saturated in sexuality.

Where kids pledge allegiance to the Pride flag.

I’ve been to summer camp.

I can’t imagine a camp where every minute of every day reflects the flamboyant gay caricature of a Pride parade.

Why do I get the feeling every camp activity is gay.  They can’t just go canoeing or rock climbing or play ball.  They have to some how make every activity gender and sexuality affirming.

And Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s husband is a counselor there. 

I’d ask “can we not have a sexual grooming summer camp with a gay and trans theme?”

But I know the answer is no.  The radical Left wants your children.

Also, how long until kids will be forced to recite the “Pride pledge of allegiance” in schools?

Things are about to get worse…

A lot of people are suddenly going to learn that the money they got from Biden was just their tax return and now that big tax return they were expecting is much smaller.

Some might even have to pay some back of their income fell and they got more advanced tax credit than they were owed.

Biden’s poll number are going to drop as these people who didn’t read the fine print figure out how they got suckered.

So the Biden administration is going to have to do something to distract from this disaster.

I guess were going to war with Russia.

We are all going to die


The Feminist Symposium on Nuclear Disarmament will fail before lunch on the first day as they argue in their progressive stack over the role of non-binary Lesbian transwomen in the Nuclear spaces of vagina-owners and then some un-Woke madman launched nuclear armageddon just to silence the caterwauling of the pink hair hysterics.

Another Blue Check journalist moron


Time for some math (updated because my original numbers were off and I had to fix my math):

ExxonMobil is the largest oil producer in the United States.

Last year they made $23 billion in profits.

They produced 38 billion gallons of gas.

$23B in profit for 38B gallons is about $0.60 per gallon profit.

I know that gasoline is not their only product so there are other, often much more profitable products (such as chemical feed stocks for plastic manufacturers) that also add into the oil industry’s profits.

Across the industry, and remember that I’m a chemical engineer who worked in an oil refinery, the profit margin on pump gas is roughly five cents per gallon.

I worked for a refinery that bought oil and owned no wells.  The margin on that was $0.05 per gallon.

That’s what I did.  We optimized and optimized to suck every fraction of a cent of profit out of our product.  If we Gould gain a tenth of a penny per gallon, that was big money for us.

For oil companies that do oil extraction, their margins are wider because they are vertically integrated from crude to pump.

So let’s say this Blue Check got his wish and the oil industry agreed to cut their profit margin by 50%.

He would save between two and thirty cents per gallon depending on if he bought from an oil producer or stand alone refiner.

In his Prius with an 11 gallon tank, he’d save between $0.22 and $3 per tank.

But that wouldn’t allow him to make profound statements on Twitter.

To understand Blue Checks, you need to understand the Dunning-Kruger Effect and that these people are the sages who live high atop Mount Stupid.


Give Leftists the opportunity to have a pogrom and they will


Many of these restaurateurs are naturalized citizens or the children thereof.

They are Americans who cone here for a better life.

Now, stupid Leftists are engaged in a digital program against them because they serve the food of their heritage.

This doesn’t do anything to stop Putin but it does make stupid Leftists feel better about themselves.

If this continues, Biden is going to sign his own EO9066.

Somewhere in hell FDR is laughing.