J. Kb

Understand that they hate us

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg:


TV comedian Stephen Colbert:


The latter is more interesting because The Late Show is supposed to be comedy for the people.  Public airwaves TV.

Yet Colbert is just as much of a sneering elitist as Buttigieg.

These people hate us.

They feel deep in their bones that they are better than us.

They yearn for the days if monarchies, where those at the top had unlimited wealth and power and ruled by divine right, while those below them were just obedient peasants and serfs.

The idea of America, that all men are created equal and all citizens are entitled to earn a quality life without their station of birth defining them.  They find this idea offensive.

It is not enough they they are rich, they need us to be poor.

If they are rich but we’re doing well, we have no impetus to be obedient serfs.

They need us to be peasants, ground into the mud, to make themselves feel more like kings.

Notice that wealth inequality increases wherever they have power.

That is why this talking point.

If you can react to $5 gas by buying a $60,000 Tesla, you are one of them.  If not, you are in the peasant class.

Things are not getting worse by accident or incompetence.

They are getting worse through maliciousness.

This is their revenge for America electing Trump in 2016 and thinking that life should be good for middle-class middle Americans and not just the connected rich.

They hate us and the feeling is mutual.


Governor Ron DeSantis really f*cked this one up


No, it’s not.

The official dessert of the state of Florida is Key Lime Pie.

Cuban style tres leches cake is an acceptable runner up.

Strawberry shortcake is some yankee bullshit from Philadelphia.

Governor DeSantis needs to issue an immediate retraction and correction to this disastrous policy.

Camp Chip-A-Groomer will be opening for the summer session



Ms. Ashley bills herself as a “lifelong sexuality educator.”  Which means she has figured out how to make a career out of talking to elementary school children about sex.

Consider what sort of person creates a summer camp for children ages 8 to 10 to teach them about things like insertables and pornography.

Yes.  The words “groomer” and “pedophile” are appropriate.

Also consider what sort of parents would pay for that camp.  Clearly not ones interested in their children’s well being but to use their children to score Woke points among their peers.

I think I too will start a summer camp.

We will teach children how to identify predators and perverts.

How to defend themselves from emotionally and psychologically manipulative adults.

And how to safely operate a woodchipper when grinding a pedophile into mulch.

I’m honestly terrified that a person can list something like this online and not get raided.


I fully endorse this tactic


Democrats: “DeSantis won’t let us talk to kids in school about sexuality and gender so we’re doing put in our gayest rainbow pride parade costumes and sing ‘gay’ in the Capitol.”

Normies: “Is that what they want to do with our kids in school? Fuck that noise. Sign the bill!”


Every time a Leftist puts on a pride costume and talks to a child about alternative sexual orientations a normie thinks about buying a woodchipper.

At what point does energy policy become actual treason?

White House is considering sending Biden to Saudi Arabia to convince them to pump more oil as barrels hit $130 and US discusses easing sanctions with Venezuela

President Biden’s advisors are reportedly considering sending him to Saudi Arabia to push the kingdom to pump more oil as prices soar to over $130 a barrel.

Biden has so far held off on banning Russian oil imports despite bipartisan pressure to do so. While the U.S. has tried to present a united front with its European allies on sanctions, Biden is considering going it alone with banning Russian oil imports, according to Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, White House officials met this weekend with Venezuela’s corrupt President Nicolás Maduro to talk oil and gas exports.

A trip to Saudi Arabia would force the White House to compromise on its emphasis on human rights as they scramble to divert the U.S. from Russian gas. The potential visit was first reported by Axios.

Let me get this straight:

Biden killed the KXL pipeline.

Biden ended new leases in Alaska, New Mexico, and elsewhere.

Biden has totally reversed Trump’s making America energy independent and has waged a regulatory war on the oil and gas industry.

Biden has twice dumped oil from our strategic reserves.

Biden’s sanctions on Russia explicitly exempted Russian petroleum.

Now he’s turning to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil but will not turn on American oil production.

At what point does gutting our oil supply and buying more oil from anti-American enemy  nations technically count as treason?

Because honestly, if the Republicans win the majority in the House and Senate, I want them to impeach Biden and Harris over this and put in a Republican who will reinstate Trump’s oil policy.

It’s not just about the cost of gas, it’s about the strength of our strategic position.

Of course she did, you knew she was a Jew hater

Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Harvard group hosted ‘anti-Semitic’ speaker
Leonard Jeffries once compared Jewish people to ‘skunks’ who ‘stunk up everything’

President Biden’s nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer was part of a Harvard University student group that hosted a speaker with a history of anti-Semitic remarks, Fox News Digital has learned.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson was a member of the Black Students Association (BSA) her senior year at Harvard, according to her yearbook, when the Harvard BSA invited Leonard Jeffries, the controversial then-City University of New York professor of Black studies and Black studies department head, to speak.

The Harvard University chapters of Jewish advocacy group Hillel, the Gay-Straight Alliance, and College Democrats protested the BSA’s speaking event featuring Jeffries, according to a Feb. 4, 1992, article in the Harvard Crimson reviewed by Fox News.

The day before the Crimson article, student Jessica Yellin — who went on to become a chief White House correspondent at CNN — called on the BSA to take back its invitation, warning that it would offer “a Harvard podium to an avowed anti-Semite” whose “teachings are laced with vicious attacks on Jews and distorted interpretations of history.”

She’s a radical Leftist who belongs to a black identitarian grievance organization, you knew that they are a bunch of antisemites.

How many times do we need to see these racial groups bring in speakers who say vicious shit about Jews before the Jewish community gets it, radical Leftists hate us.

I hope some enterprising Republican Senator brings this up in her conformation hearing.

The Democrats don’t care, but maybe some Normies will.