J. Kb

I absolutely hate what social media has done to our society – the internet proves me right in 48 hours

Over the weekend I wrote a post I absolutely hate what social media has done to our society.

In it I said:

Today, it feels like one of those westerns where the gunslinger comes to town and pushes everyone around because he’s the quickest draw in territory.

Except in this case it’s the TikToker or Twitter user with thousands or millions of followers who can get their narrative out faster and to more people to murder your reputation online who is the gunslinger in the black coat.

This is the greatest evil of social media.

I hate being so right.

This went viral:


He’s been fired when the woke mob went after his employer.  His life is ruined.

Good, he’s an asshole who deserves it, right?


There is a little more to this story.

The wild encounter erupted when an irate Iannazzo returned to the store after earlier ordering a smoothie that supposedly contained peanuts, which caused his highly allergic son to have a reaction and require hospitalization, authorities said.

A remorseful Iannazzo said Monday in a statement that he was “out of my mind with fear” for his son and insisted that he told staff about the peanut allergy when he ordered the drink — despite employees telling cops the father had just asked for no peanut butter.

Iannazzo, who turned himself into cops after the incident, issued a statement Monday saying he made the “regrettable comments” after his 17-year-old son went into “life threatening anaphylactic shock.”

“After he started to drink his smoothie, my son lost the capacity to breathe properly; his lips and face swelled up, and he required an EpiPen shot, but it did not offer him relief. I called 911,” Iannazzo said in the statement.

“My son then went to the bathroom, threw up and fell unconscious to the floor. He threw up again. My wife gave him another EpiPen while I called 911 again.”


Yes, I completely agree that his behavior was unacceptable.


It seems like a bunch of high school girls slack-assing at their job while on TikTok nearly killed his son and sent him to the hospital, then lied to the cops about it.

I’m not saying what dad did was right but I understand.

But you’d never know this because these girls got their video viral and dad doesn’t even have social media on his phone.

If what dad says happened us true I hope he sues the fuck out of everyone including his former employer and wins millions.

We traded air combat superiority for preferred pronouns

From Air Force Magazine:

Airmen and Guardians are now allowed to include their pronouns in the signature block of emails, memoranda, letters, and papers.

The inclusion of pronouns, such as he/him, she/her, and they/them, in signature blocks has become an increasingly common practice in the business world and helps to ensure that transgender and nonbinary individuals are identified as they desire. It also helps individuals with gender-neutral names.

“An inclusive force is a mission-ready force, and I’m thankful to the LGBTQ Initiatives Team for helping us realize this opportunity to be a more inclusive force,” Undersecretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones said in a statement.

The effort to introduce this change in the official writing guide was started by Master Sgt. Jamie Hash, the other LIT Transgender Policy Team co-lead, as part of her base’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the Air Force said.

The Air Force officially stood up its department-wide Office of Diversity and Inclusion in January 2021.

Since then, the Air Force has updated standards such as those involving women’s hair in an effort to better address differences in hair texture and density, and Jones became the first openly lesbian and second member of the LGBTQ community to serve as undersecretary. Since then, she has championed several diversity initiatives within the department.

Kelly Johnson didn’t need his pronouns in his signature when he ran Skunk Works and designed half the fucking aircraft for the Air Force.

Today’s Air Force has an Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusion that is putting pronouns in bios.

We learned in WWII, Korea, and again in Vietnam the importance of air combat superiority.

That became Air Force doctrine.

We could use tactical air dominance to secure victory over a larger enrmy ground force.

We’re going to give that up for diversity, equity  inclusion, and preferred pronouns.

It has been absolutely clear that everything Woke goes to shit.

It goes to shit because it doesn’t foster unity through an esprit de corps but causes constant infighting and grievance mongering.

Once you go down the path of DE&I and pronouns in your bio/signature, you’ve drunk enough of the Woke Kool-aid that your downfall is inevitable.

Jews, don’t listen to Shannon Watts

Miguel sent me this:

I understand her fear of going out in public being openly Jewish.

Her fear that every person open carrying is Leftist prejudice and stupid.

I read the article in the Shannon Watts subtweet.  It has nothing to do with guns.

In a nutshell, what is says is that most antisemites attack Jews who are easily identified as Jews, i.e., wear Yarmakules have sideburns, etc.  Most Jews don’t dress that way so most antisemitic attacks are concentrated on a smaller percentage of Jews who antisemites can easily identify.

Watts took that and added the “unfettered access to arsenals” herself.

The thing is, most antisemitic attacks in the US are neither from the stereotypical “white supremacist” or with a gun.

Just follow some of the NYC Shomrim accounts:

The antisemitism the Left dare no speak it’s name.

The reality is antisemitism will never go away.

After six thousand years, we better get used to that.

It can be lessened but never eliminated completely.

All we can do is be vigilant against it.

The idea of disarming hate so Jews can live peacefully disarmed will never work.

Just ask the Jews of Israel who are run over with cars or stabbed with kitchen knives, or the Jews of France and Germany where synagogues are attacked with molotov cocktails, or the Jews of New York who get punched in the face.

The reality is that we need to be armed too.  To be ready to meet force with force and repel violence with violence.

Being anti-gun doesn’t make her any safer and by embracing the Leftist stereotypes of who an antisemite is, she compounds her danger by ignoring all the other threats that don’t fit her narrative.



This story really makes me want to feed the chipper with Covidians

Palm Beach therapist sees increase in children’s speech delays during COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say putting a face mask on your child is a critical tool in slowing the spread of COVID-19, however, some in the health community are now sounding an alarm.

Therapists say they are seeing children with speech delays.

“This has been a very challenging year,” said Jaclyn Theek, a clinic director and speech-language pathologist at the Speech and Learning Institute in North Palm Beach.

She said that during this pandemic, her speech therapy clinic has seen an enormous shift in the ages of its patients. Before the pandemic, only 5% of patients were babies and toddlers, while today it’s soared to 20%. Many parents call it “COVID-delayed.”

“We’ve seen a 364% patient increase in patient referrals of babies and toddlers from pediatricians and parents,” Theek said.

When asked if they are children having a difficult time speaking, Theek said they are “speech-delayed.”

Babies start learning how to speak by reading lips at as young as 8-months-old. So when lips and faces are covered up by masks, therapists say for some kids, they can work around the mask and still learn to speak perfectly fine. But for others, it can cause speech delays.

To compound this problem, some places are requiring speech therapists to be masked while doing speech therapy, which makes it effectively useless.


This hits very close to home for me.

My son is very smart.  He’s 7 years old and in the second grade.  He’s doing 4th grade math (multiplication, division, and fractions) and has read the first three Harry Potter books (6th grade level).

Early on, he was tested for special education because he had a language issue.  He had an inner ear problem and was speech delayed.  A minor surgery and speech therapy later, he’s doing advanced work.

Speech delays and communication problems can be confused for slow learning and intelligence deficiencies.

All of this brought about by mask mandates which turned out to be totally useless.

We let a bunch of septuagenarian and octogenarian politicians create a cult of fear around Covid that had destroyed every level of child development.

This shit makes my blood boil.

Ever story like this makes me want to put every Covidian to the wall for what they did to children.

Maybe Gavin Newsom can team up with OJ Simpson to find the real killer too

The far Left Democrat Governor of California, a state with a super-majority far Left Democrat legislature, and filled with far Left Democrat prosecutors, wants to know why gangs of organized criminals are robbing trains and making California look like many other “third world countries” run by Leftists/Socialists, e.g., Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

Clearly it’s not his fault.  He was only the Lieutenant Governor in 2014 when California passed Propositions 47.

He’s going to get to the bottom of this, which means finding a Republican to scapegoat and publicly sacrifice.