J. Kb

I wonder what King Louis XVI and the Romanov Family thinks of this

So the intermarried aristocracy is tighter than ever but less trusted by the peasants than ever?

I’m just saying that is a pretty good description of France in 1789 and Russia in 1917.

I seem to remember how that went.

I don’t think this meme makes the point they want it to make

I’ve seen this meme posted several times online:


The point is always the same.  It’s not fair that the Red area is represented by eight senators and the green represented by two senators.

So the conclusion they draw is that we must abolish the Senate.

Because the Left already controls the House of Representatives, they need to attack the Senate.

I look at this and come to a different conclusion.

The population density of NYC is 27,000 per square mile.  The average for the United States is 94 per square mile.

New York City is 288 times more dense as the average.

Cities like NYC are unnatural and unsustainable.

They can’t grow enough food to feed their population or have landfill space to dispose of their garbage.

Clearly before we abolish the Senate we have to abolish the megacities.

Hollywood goes all Leni Riefenstahl in coming to Biden’s rescue

Biden’s agenda is in the shutters along with his polling numbers so Hollywood is going to make the Right the enemy in a Leni Riefenstahl like production with a fictionalized version of J6 to scare the shit put of voters just before midterms.

This f*cking guy is never going away

Here’s the article:

Fauci’s home office features photos of himself, his own bobblehead

The Left turned this career bureaucrat into the patron saint of virtue through obedience to government and it went straight to his head.

This fucker is going to be in power, giving orders, being on TV, loving the sound of his own voice until he’s shitting his pants in a wheelchair and CNN won’t have him on camera anymore.


The FBI’s original statement on the Colleyville Synagogue was more bullshit than I originally thought

Immediately after the Colleyville Synagogue hostage crisis ended the FBI downplayed the role of anti-Semitism as a motivation.

At the time, I, along with the rest of the Jewish community, called bullshit.

Now more facts have come out that really show the extent to which the FBI is a lying sack of shit organization.

Texas synagogue terrorist ranted about “f***ing Jews” in last call to family made during siege

The British terrorist who took four people hostage inside a Texas synagogue ranted about the “f***ing Jews” in the final phone call he made to his family during the siege, a recording obtained exclusively by the JC reveals.

In a chilling conversation with his brother in Blackburn from inside the Congregation Beth Israel synagogue in Colleyville, Malik Faisal Akram, 44, said: “I’m opening the doors for every youngster in England to enter America and f*** with them”.

Addressing fellow jihadists, he shouted: “Live your f***ing life bro, you f***ing coward. We’re coming to f***ing America. F*** them if they want to f*** with us. We’ll give them f***ing war.”

In a semi-coherent ramble about American conflicts overseas, the terrorist said: “Why do these f***ing motherf***ers come to our countries, rape our women and f*** our kids? I’m setting a precedent… maybe they’ll have compassion for f***ing Jews.”

He added: “I promised my brother on his deathbed that I’d go down a martyr.”

The whole call war recorded and has been made available.

The FBI had the audio and still lied to preserve The Narrative, until the magnitude of the blowback made them admit the obvious.

This is the most dishonest and untrustworthy group of fuckers ever assembled.

The only New York transplant that will be welcomed in the Dakotas

New York has become such a Leftist shithole I doubt Teddy Roosevelt wanted to stay there anyway.

He’s probably the only New Yorker that could move from Manhattan to the Dakotas and be welcomed.

I’m just stuck on the fact NYC had to drape Teddy in curtains because his visage, which has been there for 83 years, is now too offensive to be seen.


Vaccine Child Heroes

In Orwell’s magnum opus, 1984, Child Heroes were children who turned in their parents for committing a thought crime.

Both the Soviets and Nazis weaponized children against their parents.

The Covidians are doing the same thing.


The point was never to stop the virus. The point was always control.

Now we are at the Child Heroes stage of this operation for social dominance.

We voted this tyranny in.  I’m thinking were getting close to having to shoot our way out.