J. Kb

Russia has figured out how to handle pedophiles

Repeat child rapists will be sent to penal colonies in the ARCTIC for life under new proposals in Russia following horrific kidnap, rape and murder of girl, five

Russia is to toughen its child sex laws this month to automatically jail repeat paedophiles for life in harsh polar prisons.

Monsters who sexually abuse children should serve their sentences in hard labour penal colonies in the Arctic, where they could be forced to work in Siberian mines, the country’s parliamentary speaker said.

The new legislation is being pushed through after a horrific case this week of a girl, five, who was abducted by a recidivist paedophile and his lover, then raped and stabbed to death.

Parliamentary speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, a close ally of Vladimir Putin, said the ‘terrible tragedy’ of Veronika’s abuse and death showed the urgency of toughening laws.

‘One of the detained men turned out to be a formerly convicted paedophile,’ he said.

‘Let’s do everything for the law on life sentences for paedophiles to be adopted in January.’

You guys know me and my preference for woodchippers as an anti-pedophile recidivism tool.

However, I have read The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, and that level of isolation and punitive cruelty is acceptable for pedophiles.

It’s difficult to be a rapist when your appendages have turned black and died from frostbite.

We don’t have anything like Siberia in the US (Alaska is much more mild).  Maybe we can work out a trade deal with the Russians that we can send our pedophiles to them for hard labor.

Always remember that for the Left, hypocrisy is the point

Hypocrisy is the point.

The point of ultimate power is to make rules that others must obey but you do not.

I remember both the GW Bush and Trump presidencies and how the Left swore they hated this country, rioted, undermined America, and claim the Republicans only won because of dishonesty.

The point is to make up obey a code of conduct where we behave when we lose and they don’t when they lose.

The hypocrisy is the point.

They carjacked the wrong dude…

The Lyft driver seemed to have an idea of what was up when he was rear-ended twice.

He faced down a rifle and put two bad guys in the hospital.

It might not have been a great plan but it was executed violently enough for that not to matter.

Know the warning signs of trouble, be prepared to act, and always carry.

New York is accelerating down the road to hell

Every state south of Virginia needs to put signs on the highway that read “No Vacancy for Woke New Yorkers.”

Manhattan DA to stop seeking prison sentences in slew of criminal cases

Manhattan’s new DA has ordered his prosecutors to stop seeking prison sentences for hordes of criminals and to downgrade felony charges in cases including armed robberies and drug dealing, according to a set of progressive policies made public Tuesday.

In his first memo to staff on Monday, Alvin Bragg said his office “will not seek a carceral sentence” except with homicides and a handful of other cases, including domestic violence felonies, some sex crimes and public corruption.

Assistant district attorneys must also now keep in mind the “impacts of incarceration,” including whether it really does increase public safety, potential future barriers to convicts involving housing and employment, the financial cost of prison and the racial disparities over who gets time, Bragg instructed.

Bragg’s memo also detailed the following instructions for prosecutors to reduce charges filed by cops in various cases:

Armed robbers who use guns or other deadly weapons to stick up stores and other businesses will be prosecuted only for petty larceny, a misdemeanor, provided no victims were seriously injured and there’s no “genuine risk of physical harm” to anyone. Armed robbery, a class B felony, would typically be punishable by a maximum of 25 years in prison, while petty larceny subjects offenders to up to 364 days in jail and a $1,000 fine.
Convicted criminals caught with weapons other than guns will have those felony charges downgraded to misdemeanors unless they’re also charged with more serious offenses. Criminal possession of a weapon in the third degree, a class D felony, is punishable by up to 7 years behind bars.

Burglars who steal from residential storage areas, parts of homes that aren’t “accessible to a living area” and businesses located in mixed-use buildings will be prosecuted for a low-level class D felony that only covers break-ins instead of for more serious crimes. Those more serious crimes, class B and class C felonies, would be punishable by up to 25 and up to 15 years in prison respectively.
Drug dealers believed to be “acting as a low-level agent of a seller” will be prosecuted only for misdemeanor possession. Also, suspected dealers will only be prosecuted on felony charges if they’re also accused of more serious crimes or are actually caught in the act of selling drugs. That felony would mean facing up to seven years behind bars.

So the Manhattan DA essentially legalized violent crime.

The results will be obvious.

I can only legitimate believe this is purposeful and malicious, although I don’t understand why.

What I do understand is that the people in Manhattan who can afford to leave will.

What they will not do is learn from this and will bring their voting habits to Southern states.

I don’t care what happens to people in New York City.

I only care that it be contained there and not allowed to escape.

This is the way

Someone in Palm Beach tells New Yorkers leave if ‘woke’

Someone had a warning for New Yorkers visiting former President Donald Trump’s new hometown — leave if you are “woke.”

Palm Beach police are investigating after someone placed fliers over the weekend on New York-licensed cars parked in the wealthy island reading, “If you are one of the those ‘woke’ people — leave Florida. You will be happier elsewhere, as will we.”

Remember that I just recently wrote a post about some fucking guy who had the Progressive audacity to leave San Francisco,  because it is a failed city, for Miami but say that Miami is worse.

This is what Red Southern states have to deal with.

I’m learning all about what New Yorkers are doing to North Carolina.

Telling those fuckers to stay out with flyers is probably the nicest way Southerners have dealt with carpetbaggers.