J. Kb

How to get your hand slapped into next week or the benefits of having no self esteem


I have no idea what this is from, probably some sort of reality show or something.

Here’s the thing, I know stroking my arm like that would have resulted poorly.

I’ve seen myself in the mirror.

I am not the sort of man random hot chicks make a move on.

My first instinct on being touched by a stranger in public is “pickpocket.”

If not that then “this is a setup for something bad.”

The guys who fell for this honeypot are stupid.


This is why you never give governors emergency public health powers

NY Gov. Hochul declares racism a ‘public health crisis’
‘I am proud to sign legislation that addresses this crisis head-on,’ the Democratic governor says

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul signed legislation that went into effect Saturday that declares racism a “public health crisis.”

The Democratic governor signed a package of bills last month aimed at addressing racial injustice and promoting racial equity in the state. Among them is a new law that officially declares racism a public health crisis and establishes a “racial equity working group” within the state department of health to make recommendations for legislative action.

“For far too long, communities of color in New York have been held back by systemic racism and inequitable treatment,” Hochul said in a Dec. 23 press release. “I am proud to sign legislation that addresses this crisis head-on, addressing racism, expanding equity and improving access for all.”

State Democrats cheered the move.

“Framing racism as a public health issue compels organizations and governmental agencies to address the crisis in the systemic ways that other threats to public health have been addressed,” state Sen. Kevin Parker said in the release. “For decades, racial inequalities have caused significant mental, physical, and financial hardships for people of color. These inequities have impacted how they live, the resources they have access to and more importantly their quality of healthcare.”

Give them emergency powers for a public health crisis and they will turn anything into a public health crisis to maintain their powers.

By declaring racism a public health crisis she now has substantially more authority to do whatever she wants in fighting racism.

Being a Progressive, we know that means more meddling in people’s lives and more bureaucratic regulations to try and ensure equality of outcome, which ultimately means crushing people under the boot heel of government.

Hochul is going to blow Cuomo out of the water when it comes to Progressive tyranny.

California elites are scared enough to buy their own guns

L.A.’s Arms Race of the Affluent
From Beverly Hills to Santa Monica, the crime-panicked wealthy are banishing bling and buying guns

In Beverly Hills, even the purchase of a firearm comes with certain…expectations. The city’s only gun store, Beverly Hills Guns, is a “concierge service” by appointment only, for a largely affluent clientele. And business is booming.

Since opening in July 2020, the store has seen upscale residents from Santa Monica to the Hollywood Hills increasingly in a panic following several high-profile smash-and-grab and violent home invasion robberies. The apparent siege has brought in a daily stream of anxious business owners and prominent actors, real estate moguls and film execs, says owner Russell Stuart. Most are arming themselves for the first time.

“This morning I sold six shotguns in about an hour to people that say, ‘I want a home defense shotgun,’” says Stuart, whose store is discreetly located in a Beverly Hills office building, with no sign on the doors, down the hall from a diamond dealer. “Everyone has a general sense of constant fear, which is very sad. We’re used to this being like Mayberry.”

In Beverly Hills, the craving for additional security dates to the riot that followed an otherwise peaceful Black Lives Matter protest in May 2020, with unprecedented looting along Rodeo Drive that left broken boutique windows beneath beloved luxury brands: Chanel, Dior, Gucci, Michael Kors, MCM, Ermenegildo Zegna. Last March, a $500,000 Richard Mille watch was stolen at gunpoint from a diner at the Il Pastaio restaurant. The Dec. 1 home-invasion robbery and shooting death of philanthropist Jacqueline Avant, 81, in her Trousdale Estates home, only accelerated the arms race among the affluent.

Generally I’m for new gun owners.

In this case it’s tough.

I totally support the right of people to defend themselves and own the tools to do that.

At the same time I know two things to be true:

One: the wealthy elite buying guns in Beverly Hills are the same people to supported the Woke prosevtuors, changes to the law, and defunding of police that made California into the current shithole it is.

Two: these people still support gun control for everyone else, i.e., the poors.

If the elite want guns and concealed carry (which they get the same way they do in NYC, corruption by donating huge sums to the Sheriff who approves the permit) because of this crime wave, that should be available to every citizen, not just the ones who can cut massive checks and go shopping in Beverly Hills.

So while I support new gun ownership, I can’t support hypocrisy, because we all know that the elite don’t get red pulled and change their opinions, they just buy themselves indulgences so to not have to be bound by rules and laws that inconvenience them.

Is this supposed to frighten me?

This came across my feed.

US could be under rightwing dictator by 2030, Canadian professor warns

The US could be under a rightwing dictatorship by 2030, a Canadian political science professor has warned, urging his country to protect itself against the “collapse of American democracy”.

“We mustn’t dismiss these possibilities just because they seem ludicrous or too horrible to imagine,” Thomas Homer-Dixon, founding director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University in British Columbia, wrote in the Globe and Mail.

Homer-Dixon’s message was blunt: “By 2025, American democracy could collapse, causing extreme domestic political instability, including widespread civil violence. By 2030, if not sooner, the country could be governed by a rightwing dictatorship.”

The author cited eventualities centered on a Trump return to the White House in 2024, possibly including Republican-held state legislatures refusing to accept a Democratic win.

A “scholar of violent conflict” for more than four decades, Homer-Dixon said Canada must take heed of the “unfolding crisis”.

“A terrible storm is coming from the south, and Canada is woefully unprepared. Over the past year we’ve turned our attention inward, distracted by the challenges of Covid-19, reconciliation and the accelerating effects of climate change.

This is the original headline and article from the Globe and Mail, but it’s behind a pay wall.

If the next presidential election reveals the U.S. hurtling toward possible violence and autocracy, should Canada try to intervene?

This is little more than Canadian TDS.

They promised us that Trump would round up the guys and put them in camps.  Instead we got trans-activists in schools putting out kids on hormone blockers.

Our Right wing dictators are pretty weak.

Honestly, I’d give it up for an American Right wing dictator if he could make gas $1.79 a gallon, get the LGTB activists out of our schools, and commies out of our government.  Encourage patriotism, wood chipper pedophiles, and end Woke/CRT for good.

It might actually be an improvement.

Right now the actual future American dictatorship seems more and more like all of America being turned into NYC/LA/San Fran by Imperator of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Not to put to fine a point on it but Justin Trudeau recently said out loud:

“We are going to end this pandemic by proceeding with the vaccination,” said Trudeau in French.

“We all know people who are deciding whether or not they are willing to get vaccinated, and we will do our very best to try to convince them. However, there is still a part of the population (that) is fiercely against it.

“They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space.

“This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? Over 80% of the population of Quebec have done their duty by getting the shot. They are obviously not the issue in this situation.”

Of all the fascist language floating around, the Left seems to be the ones really putting it out there, attacking freedom loving people and blaming them for problems they (the Left) caused.

I’ve been wondering if it’s time to liberate Canada.

Having the Canadians invade us to prevent Trump or DeSantis from rolling back the Democrats crushing COVID tyranny is almost humorous.

Maybe this us the opportunity to reorganize Canadian and the US into two different countries.


Crime is attracted to crime…

Let’s be clear, dealing Marijuana is still a federal crime.  That means dispensaries exist in a legal gray zone.

As such, Marijuana dispensaries are a cash business.

Marijuana is also highly trafficked contraband for people who don’t have medical Marijuana cards or don’t live in medical Marijuana states.

So criminals know two things, the people coming in and out have lots of cash and expensive narcotics (which they can turn around and resell for a lot of money).

That makes dispensary customers perfect targets for robbery.

Reports that Marijuana dispensary patron robberies are up doesn’t surprise me, crime attracts crime.


New York City is off to a fantastic start

It’s only January 3rd.

I really can’t blame AOC from wanting to vacation in Florida.

Most of her NYC donors are doing the same.

New York City is an utter shithole of violence, crime, and filth.

The problem is that they’d rather escape to Florida and turn Florida into New York than try to turn New York into Florida by emulating Florida’s successes.

I just never want to hear how Florida is sort of Republican run hellscape when it is the top destination of New Yorkers trying to enjoy life.