J. Kb

Say goodbye to air combat superiority

Since WWII our military doctrine has been “we control the air over the battlefield.”

And we have.

The only reason we did what we did in Iraq and Afghanistan was because we controlled the skies.  We could bring in air support, air resupply, and air evacuation on demand.

The only threat to our aircraft was at low altitude from ground-to-air weapons.  We didn’t have to dog fight Taliban to clear the skies before sending in AC-130s to pound one of their positions.

Well, those days are gone.

We have given up air combat superiority for diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The Chinese Air Force does not vote on  pride flag colored logos.

Ours does.

Which do you think will be more victorious in combat?


BRB, time to go John Wick on monkeys in India

Enraged monkeys kill 250 DOGS by dragging them to the top of buildings and dropping them off ‘out of revenge’ after pups killed one of their infants in Indian village

Enraged monkeys have killed 250 dogs in an Indian district by dragging them to the top of buildings and trees and dropping them.

Panic-stricken residents have also come under attack and say the acts of animal violence have been carried out ‘in revenge’ after a pack of dogs killed one of the monkeys’ infants.

The horrific incidents have been reported in the villages of Majalgaon, where 250 dogs are said to have been killed by rampaging primates, and nearby Lavul in Maharashtra’s Beed district.

According to India’s News18 website, ‘not a single pup’ is left in Lavul where even school children are being chased and attacked.

Separate footage, possibly of the incident that sparked the revenge attacks, showed dogs chasing monkeys through the village as local women and children ran for safety. The dogs appeared to be protecting a child.

After the officials failed to deal with the problem, villagers reportedly took it upon themselves to try and save the dogs.

But when they did, the monkeys fought back against their efforts, with the news station reporting some men even fell from heights themselves when trying to save dogs that had been dragged there.

Clearly not content with the extermination of the dogs, monkeys are now said to be going after young children.

I don’t know how many times I have to say this, Americans have no idea what nature is really like.

Most Americans’ idea of nature comes from media like Bambi, The Lion King, and Captain Planet.

They have never watched a baboon eat a baby gazelle alive as it cries and trues to get away.

They have never watched Chimpanzees engage in the ritualistic hunting and eating of monkeys.

There are many species that Americans think of a cute that really or vicious killers.

A species doesn’t life long if it’s not.

Monkeys don’t last in a continent filled with jackals, tigers, and snakes without being vicious killers.

Domesticated puppies don’t stand a chance.

I think this sounds like a job for the most effective apex predator of all, the English speaking white man.  Because I like tradition, I think a pith helmet and a Lee-Enfield would be appropriate.

Another core policy of the J.Kb. administration

I have come up with the perfect political policy, one that will be equally loved by both the Left and Right and benefit the working and middle-class at the expense of the rich.

I will pay off student loan debt without raising taxes or printing money.

I will instead, seize the endowments, and in some cases real estate and physical assets, of every college in the country, as well as the salaries and assets of every DEI (or similar title) and Student Life administrator in the country.

Colleges that build lazy rivers and spent millions on Leftist sinecures in administration can pay for the obscene debt they had students incur.


Violence occurs unbelievably fast

This is shocking:


On December 15, 2021, at 7:20 a.m., officers in the Eastway Division responded to the 3700 block of Driftwood Drive regarding a Check the Welfare call for service. Upon arrival, officers spoke with a resident who showed them footage captured from their video doorbell. This footage shows a violent encounter between two individuals and had a bookmark of approximately 3:00 a.m. on December 15, 2021. A victim can be seen attempting to flee from the suspect on foot while seeking help. The suspect then grabbed the victim, threw them to the ground and proceeded to assault them multiple times. The victim is then dragged against their will toward a vehicle parked on the roadway.

I don’t have much to add other than that was fast.

I don’t think many people would be prepared for violence that fast.

When shit goes down it goes down in the blink of an eye.

Now Biden is going to ruin your shower

Fuck Joe Biden.

Gun blogs are filled with writings about 3D printing receivers.

There are many ways to be ungovernable.

Fuck the Obama/Biden flow regulator with a power drill.  Literally.

Take back your ability to shower like man.

My review of the Bravobelt holster

So I had the chance to hang out with Miguel a bit over the weekend.

He was wearing his Bravobelt (which he reviewed a little bit ago) and I asked if he could procure me one.

He did, and I felt obliged to give it my review too.

I have no qualms against a belly band holster.  Usually I carry in a Galco Waistpack.  It’s dad-tactical.  Useful for running errands with the family.

I will be the first to admit that fanny packs are more of a summer thing so a belly band style holster intrigued me for winter wear.

Here is my honest assessment after a few wearings:

Simply put, I like it.

I have carried it with both my Roger LCR and my S&W Shield.

There are pockets next to the holster which held a Tuff Products Quick Strip perfectly when carrying the revolver (that’s the little orange thing, the tail of the Quick Strip).


With the Shield I used the mag pouch.


With both of those guns I found carrying to be easy and comfortable.

Like Miguel, I prefer to wear it on top of a T-shirt.  Being winter in the South, I’ve been wearing a T-shirt and pullover so this worked perfectly sandwiched between the layers.

For summer I can see myself wearing this much the same way, over a T-shirt under a camp or Hawaiian shirt.

I tried it in my gun room with a few other guns.  While it would fit larger pistols I’m not sure if I’d go much larger than my Glock 26.  It’s a matter of weight.  I didn’t want to have to wrap it too tightly around myself.

Like Miguel, I have a bad back, so I’m used to wearing a back brace, and too tight they get uncomfortable after a while.

With a smaller pistol I could leave it a little looser and it still felt secure.

Miguel ordered me an XL.  I should be offended but I admit I’m a fat guy.

The standard says it goes up to 44 inches and the XL up to 55.

I wear a 40 inch waist for pants but around the gut I measured 47 inches.  I guess better safe than sorry but that did leave me with a bit of a tail tucked under the band, but it pretty much stayed put and wasn’t an issue.

I agree with Miguel that it’s easier to put the gun in the holster then put the holster on.  Again, not being very tactical, I don’t really concern myself with tactical reholstering.

The other thought I had is that I might try carrying it with the pistol on the front left like an old British military officer.


Since I wear the Bravobelt at bellybutton height, this may prove to be more appropriate.

I’ll have to experiment.

To sum up, I think for smaller pistols, e.g., sub compact 9mm, 380, snub nose revolvers, this is a very convenient holster for running errands in casual clothes.

I would also recommend it as a backup holster as an alternative to an ankle holster for those in the law enforcement community.

If I could make one suggestion to Bravobelt, I’d like to see one in white.  They have a nude which looks like a light beige, but since I wear a lot of white cotton undershirts, a white holster would blend in with that even better in the summer when outerwear is thinner.

I’d like to thank Miguel and the guys at Bravobelt for sending one to me.

The war on medicine continues

I will bet you that the Venn diagram of people who carry these cards and believe that people who don’t wear masks and/or get vaxxed should be denied health care is a perfect circle.

You know what, I’m fine with turnabout as fair play.

Them: “If you don’t get vaxxed you deserve to die of COVID.  No COVID treatments or hospital bed for you.”

Me: “Fine, if you’re ‘Healthy at Every Size’ and refuse to put your fat ass on a scale you can go ahead and die of a heart attack or diabetes.  No insulin or cardiac care for you.  You show up at a hospital with chest pain, you can walk that shit off.”

If we’re going to deny people health care because they refuse preventative measures, which I’d rather not, at least be consistent.