J. Kb

This administration just f**king hates Americans and is in it only for themselves

Billions of dollars in gear lost, thousands of Americans stuck behind enemy lines, countless dead, the biggest military and strategic fuck up in the last half century and nobody is being held accountable for anything and they are going to keep trucking on like everything is fine until they get their military industrial complex sincures.

They don’t care what you think because fuck you pesant.


I don’t feel bad for him, he deserved that

Let’s count his fuck ups:

  1. Shooting anything packed with tannerite
  2. An AR in 7.62×39
  3. Using the magazine as a monopod
  4. Using the painted bedrail of the truck as a shooting platform
  5. Almost dropping the gun and accidentally discharging into the dirt in front of him

Yeah, I have no sympathy for this dipshit.

A true friend would take his guns away before he’s not the only person he hurts by being a dumbass.

Fauci is a big government Leftist, so you know what that means…

That’s right.

Never mind that it’s black people under 40 that have the lowest rate of vaccinations, let’s single out the JOOOOOOOSSSSS the way Cuomo did.

That fucking bastard.

Active duty soldier tells us that the Constitution will not protect us from her and her weapons so we better shut up and obey

This rant from a soldier in uniform:

This is a Staff Sergent, an E-6, a senior level NCO.

This is how much contempt our Progressive military has for us.

After watching this I’m very glad our new diverse, woke military is so bumble-fucking incompetent that it lost a war to illiterate men who pray-and-spray and  fight in sandals.

It means those of us who actually train with our weapons have a decent chance at victory.

I hope Harvard is burned down with fire and brimstone

This news…

It’s everything that I hate about liberal Jews and Ivy League progressives stacked into one giant shit sandwich.

Harvard University names a devout ATHEIST as its new head chaplain who describes himself as ‘humanist rabbi’: Ivy League school says it’s catering to the 40% of students who are NOT religious or agnostic

Harvard University has chosen a devout atheist and ‘humanist chaplain’ to lead the Ivy League school founded by Puritans to educate their clergy with the motto ‘Truth for Christ and the Church.’

Greg Epstein, 44, who was raised in a reformed Jewish household in Queens, New York, was named president of the chaplains for the religious community at the school after serving as Harvard’s ‘humanist chaplain’ since 2005.

Epstein, 44, was raised in Flushing, Queens, as a self-described ‘assimilated and disinterested reform Jew’ in the nation’s most diverse borough.

In 2005, Epstein received ordination as a Humanist Rabbi from the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism.

He holds a B.A. (Religion and Chinese) and an M.A. (Judaic Studies) from the University of Michigan and a Masters of Theological Studies from the Harvard Divinity School

There is no such thing as Secular Humanistic Judaism.  The very idea is offensive.

The very first principle of Judaism is from our holiest prayer, the Shema:

Hear O’ Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One.

Blessed is the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever.

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead, inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

If you don’t believe in God, you are not a Jew.

You might have grown up in a Jewish household.

You may be ethnically Ashkenazi.

But you are not a Jew.

A secular Jew is bullshit.

The very idea is offensive.  It’s like saying “he’s a secular Muslim.”

Jewish means something.  Secular Jew means nothing.

You like bagels and lox and understand Mel Brooks jokes, so the fuck what.

To call a secular atheist a Rabbi makes me want to burn his divinity school to the ground.

That Harvard hired him as their chaplain, honestly, is antisemitic.  Propping up some fuck-useless non-Jew as the paragon of what Judaism is, because “he’s a Rabbi” is perverse.


Another day, another way the Biden Administration f*cks up more in Afghanistan

They left hundreds of billions in weapons and tech, hundreds of millions in cash, and tens of thousands of Americans behind.

How could it get any worse?

They could give the Taliban a hit list.

No bullshit.


“Here is a list of names of everyone who is valuable to us.  Please don’t hurt them after we pull out on August, 31st.”

What in the absolute fuck is wrong with this Administration?

They have to be trying to kill Americans because there is no way they can be that stupid by accident.

You know what would make this bullsh*t a little easier to swallow?

If our more lethal diverse military hadn’t just lost a war and hundreds of billions of dollars in weapons and gear to a bunch of boy-raping goat herders with AKs that are as old as I am.