J. Kb

Judge’s COVID motivated decision crossed a line

A judge asked a mother if she got the coronavirus vaccine. She said no, and he revoked custody of her son.

When Rebecca Firlit joined a virtual court hearing with her ex-husband earlier this month, the Chicago mother expected the proceedings to focus on child support.

“One of the first things he asked me … was whether or not I was vaccinated,” Firlit, 39, told the Chicago Sun-Times.

She was not, she said, explaining that she has had “adverse reactions to vaccines in the past” and that a doctor advised her against getting inoculated against the coronavirus.

Cook County Judge James Shapiro then made what the parents’ attorneys called an unprecedented decision: He said the mother could not see her 11-year-old son until she got a coronavirus vaccine.

The child’s father is vaccinated, the Sun-Times reported.

“The father did not even bring this issue before the court,” Fernholz said. “So it’s the judge on his own and making this decision that you can’t see your child until you’re vaccinated.”

This woman was advised by her doctor not to get vaccinated because the vaccine itself poses a grater risk than the virus.

The woman’s son is 11 and well below the age where there is a statistically significant risk from COVID.

But the judge ruled against the mother anyway because of her vaccination status.

This is well outside of the judge’s purview and is downright malicious.

I think this judge should be thrown off the bench for this.

Unvaccinated people cannot be treated this way in a civil society, but half the country clearly wants them relegated to second class status, even if they have a doctor’s note.

The punishment of Lt Col Stuart Scheller is intended to accelerate the military purge

Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller is a Marine who posted a video online demanding accountability for the deaths of other Marines in the clusterfuck of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

He was “relieved for cause based on a lack of trust and confidence as of 14:30 [Friday 8/27/2021].”

Keep in mind that not one military officer that spoke out against Trump was punished.

The Staff Sergent I wrote about earlier who did a TikTok about shooting civilians under marshall law wasn’t punished as severly.

Scheller was a well-liked and respected officer.

The only person punished for this epic fuck-up is one guy not responsible for it and demanding accountability.

This can’t be incompetence.  Something this bad has to be done on purpose.

This will drive good people like Scheller out of the military.  Only the bureau-weenies will stay.

Everything is pointing in the direction of a partisan military staffed by people who are loyal to the bureauratic Left.

This will be mainstream Democrat policy by midterms


You knew this was happening.  The video just confirmed it.

They’ve been saying that the American flag is a symbol of oppression for a little bit.  Now they have the inclusive pride flag to replace it.

It’s on TikTok now.  It will be mainstream policy before the midterms.

This administration just f**king hates Americans and is in it only for themselves

Billions of dollars in gear lost, thousands of Americans stuck behind enemy lines, countless dead, the biggest military and strategic fuck up in the last half century and nobody is being held accountable for anything and they are going to keep trucking on like everything is fine until they get their military industrial complex sincures.

They don’t care what you think because fuck you pesant.


I don’t feel bad for him, he deserved that

Let’s count his fuck ups:

  1. Shooting anything packed with tannerite
  2. An AR in 7.62×39
  3. Using the magazine as a monopod
  4. Using the painted bedrail of the truck as a shooting platform
  5. Almost dropping the gun and accidentally discharging into the dirt in front of him

Yeah, I have no sympathy for this dipshit.

A true friend would take his guns away before he’s not the only person he hurts by being a dumbass.