J. Kb

Teaching Men

I have seen quite a lot of stories lately about colleges and groups teaching men to unlearn toxic masculinity.

Rethink Masculinity based in Washington DC and associate with the DC Rape Crisis Center “is a men’s consciousness building group in which people identifying as men collectively learn how social constructs of masculinity harm themselves and the people around them, and work to construct healthier masculinities. We offer a two month long class where participants meet together once a week for 3-4 hours. These sessions are designed to equip and empower participants to work towards building new models of masculinity.”

The Men’s Project of the University of Wisconsin-Madison describes itself this way. “A key element of the program is intersectionality. There isn’t just one masculinity, there are many,” says Sam Johnson, a violence prevention specialist at University Health Services (UHS), one of the campus offices organizing the program. She explained that other components of one’s identity—including religion, sexual orientation, and race—all contribute to individual perceptions and experiences of masculinity.

Brown University has a program titles Unlearning Toxic Masculinity that teaches “Rigid definitions of masculinity are toxic to men’s health. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized that men’s tendency to die at younger ages may correlate to the harmful ways that masculinity has been defined in society and the ways that men have been conditioned to practice it.  How men are socialized plays into the type of violence that exists in college communities. The harm and violence that men inflict is not strictly contained to the self-harm mentioned previously. Men will often resort to violence to resolve conflict because anger is the only emotion that they have been socialized to express. Unfortunately, the way that young men are conditioned to view sex and their need to be dominant and have power over others also contribute to instances of sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence on college campuses.

Duke University has a Men’s Project too.

The common theme here is “men are violent.”  That is it as an absolute statement.

Sometimes this takes a more extreme tone, such as with Professor Lisa Wade at Occidental College who said that “it is masculinity itself that has become the problem.

Being a man, identifying as a man is a problem for these people.

They see only the worst behaviors and conclude that is all masculinity is about and that is all men do.  As one reads further into these “unlearning toxic masculinity” seminars, you realize just how bad they are.

The Good Man Project, which is the worst of Third Wave Feminism for men gives 5 Reasons I Don’t Say “Man Up.”  Reason No. 3.  is Vulnerability is a Sign of Strength, Not Weakness.

The Telegraph did an article covering a movement that claims “be a manare the three most destructive words in pop culture.

When I was growing up, “be a man” was a goal.  Becoming a man was an achievement.  Not something to be ashamed of.

Brown University did a series of interviews about toxic masculinity with students and they found the least masculine males to interview.

Watching these, I started to wonder, how many of these interviewees and kids in these videos had dads that lived at home with them.  Dads who were a regular part of their lives.

We know that growing up in a fatherless home is the top predictor of crime, dropping out of school, poverty, and other social ills.

So much of what is described as “toxic masculinity” is the product of shitty pop culture.  A recurring theme in these videos is men can’t have emotions.

Only in shitty pop culture and bad comedians are men not allowed to have emotion.

I’m sorry, but I didn’t get that memo.

If you asked me what “man up”means, first I will tell you it’s “man the fuck up,” then I’ll explain.  Men should have emotions.  I love my wife.  I love my son.  My favorite thing in the world is when I come home and he runs up to me and grabs my legs and says “daddy, you want to play with my toys,” and then we race his matchbox cars around the couch.

Man the fuck up” means that I cannot be ruled by my emotions.  There is time to cry later, there is a job to do now.  My manly ancestors were probably scared shitless when the saber tooth tiger showed up.  But as scared as they were, they had to guard the mouth of the cave with a pointy stick to protect the women and children from being eaten.

Duty BEFORE emotion is manly.  Men can’t have emotions is sitcom bullshit.

I think General George Patton said it best in his speech to the Third Army.

Duty BEFORE emotion.

The question of what makes a man goes back thousands of years.

One word that keeps coming up is Virtue.  Virtue comes from the Latin word Virtus, beginning with “vir” meaning “of man.”  Virtus was the philosophy of manliness.

Even before the Romans, the Greek philosophers thought about virtue.  The Aristotelian virtues are courage, temperance, and magnanimity.

The classical Roman virtues are

  • Auctoritas – “spiritual authority”
  • Comitas – “humour”
  • Constantia – “perseverance”
  • Clementia – “mercy”
  • Dignitas – “dignity”
  • Disciplina – “self discipline”
  • Firmitas – “tenacity”
  • Frugalitas – “frugality”
  • Gravitas – “gravity”
  • Honestas – “respectability”
  • Humanitas – “humanity”
  • Industria – “industriousness”
  • Iustitia – “justice”
  • Pietas – “dutifulness”
  • Prudentia – “prudence”
  • Salubritas – “wholesomeness”
  • Severitas – “sternness”
  • Veritas – “truthfulness”
  • Virtus – “manliness” (excellence, courage, character)

I don’t see rape or posturing or having no emotions on that list.

In the Jewish tradition, virtue is associated with good social behaviors called Middot.   There are 48 of these virtues that are enumerated, and they include Honor, Hospitality, Charity, Compassion, and Truthfulness.

The Catholic Church shortened this list to the Seven Cardinal Virtues (it’s an easier list to remember).

  • Chastity
  • Temperance
  • Charity
  • Dilligence
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Humility

The thing is, great civilizations were built upon these virtues.

The duty of a father is to teach his sons to be men.  It is a duty passed down through time and civilization.  As a Jewish father, I have four responsibility to my son(s): have him circumcised, teach him Torah, teach him a trade, and teach him how to participate in the world (often said metaphorically “teach him to swim”).

In the Christian tradition the duties of a father are to make of them good and manly Christians, useful citizens, and saints for heaven.

I don’t see any of these concepts or aforementioned virtues addressed in any of the Men’s Projects.  There is a lot of introspection about feelings, but nothing about dignity.  None of these programs seem to want take boys raised on sitcom fathers and turn them into men.  They want to turn them into … effete naval gazers.

The center of these programs is not about making good men, it is really about emasculating them.

It seems as though what Social Justice assumes is masculinity is the product of boys raised without dads and by bad TV.  It then wants to further damage these males, not by teaching them the virtues that have served men and fostered civilization for millennia, but to have them sit and cry and feel about about their male privilege.

To top it all off, these same people attack the strong nuclear family as a source of white supremacism and must be abolished.  This will only serve to make more non-men in need to Social Justice emasculation.

This is one of the saddest and most disgusting things I’ve ever seen.  We will be a far worse nation for it.

Woe be unto us when the saber tooth tigers return or the barbarians are at the gates and the students of the Men’s Project sit down and have a cry about it.  They will have no one to blame but themselves when the women are raped and the children are eaten.

More Hollywood Hijinks

Kevin Spacey was accused of sexually assaulting actor Anthony Rapp when Rapp was 14 years old.

Spacey has responded by coming out to live as a gay man

This move reminds me a lot of playing tag as a kid.  There was always that slow kid, who just before he was tagged, grabbed a tree and yelled “BASE!!!  You can’t tag me.”

This is Spacey running to Gay and saying “LGBT VICTIM STATUS!!! You can’t touch me.”

The mask is gone

Hugo Chavez was a socialist, what was key in how his rise to power.  Then Venezuela collapsed economically.

Right on cue, socialists began their explanation how Venezuela wasn’t really socialism.

Did the Soviet Union kill 20 million people?  Sure, but it wasn’t really communist.  Neither was Mao, Pol Pot, North Viet Nam, Cuba, or any of the other nations around the world were socialism/communism has been tried and failed, leaving a wake of mass graves and millions dead.

How can modern supporters of socialism/communism be so naive?  How can they deny the legacy of socialism/communism?

The truth is, they are not naive.  They know exactly what socialism/communism is all about.  They just want bullshit you into letting them assume power at which point they will kill you.

In the campus hysterics of the post Trump election era, campus communists have made that abundantly clear.

The Kent State Socialist Collective told pro capitalists that their place is in the gulags.  Yes they did.

The original tweet has been deleted but the reply is still on twitter.

This doesn’t surprise me much, Kent State was the school where the Ohio National Guard had to shoot a bunch of communist students for supporting Cambodian communists against Richard Nixon.

Over at Iowa State, the Young Democratic Socialists for America are calling for the extermination of capitalists (again, the original tweet has been deleted).

The mask has totally fallen off.  It isn’t about some equitable distribution of economic outcome and universal healthcare blah, blah, blah whatever these people say to try to make socialism sound all warm and fuzzy.

This is “we are going to take everyone we disagree with and put them in a prison camp and execute them.”

There is no hiding it now, no matter how many tweets they delete.

They.  Want.  You.  Dead.  Because you disagree with them.

He wants to kill you.  Make no mistake about that.

Fortunately for us, he looks too limp-wristed to make a pistol cycle.

This is why I own guns.


Star Trek and the suspension of disbelief

I’m marathoning my way through Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I am on Season 1, Episode 7: Justice.

The Enterprise just finished a very stressful mission.  They have been in deep space for months.  They arrive at a planet populated by a species called the Edo.  A race of beautiful, athletic, blondes who don’t wear bras, jog everywhere, and have sex like shaking hands.

Dr. Crusher recommends shore leave for the crew.    Everyone is excited to get their bone on (especially Tasha Yar).


Wesley Crusher trips into a flower bed, causes a diplomatic crisis, and ruins the vacation for everyone.

Here is where I can no longer suspend my disbelief.

Once everything is sorted out, I can’t get why the enlisted personal of the Enterprise didn’t arrange for Wesley to “accidentally” get sucked out of an airlock at warp.  It would have save the crew a lot of headache in the long run.

A day that ends in Y in NYC

According to The Huffington Post a female to male transgender artist has collected 200 gallons of her urine for an art exhibit to protest President Trump.

The piece, PISSED, was created in response to President Donald Trump’s February decision to rescind President Obama’s directive that transgender students should be able to use the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. PISSED will be unveiled at the gallery on Saturday night when, according to a press release for the show, Cassils will perform a related piece, Fountain, and thereby complete “the 200 day durational performance by linking their body to the minimalist structure.”

It’s very different from the rest of my performances that are kind of visually bombastic. I will be facing the sculpture on a very, very high [platform] — probably like 10 feet up in the air, so you’re not eye-line with my crotch. I’m looking down on you. And behind me, is a grid of the 262 orange 24-hour urine capture bottles I used and they create another cube. There’s one space left, which is the one final bottle. So for the two hours of the exhibition opening, I will literally just be standing up there and pissing into the bottle if I have to piss. And at the end of the performance I will climb down and I will dump the urine into the cube and I will place that final bottle on the shelf. So it’s really about closing this piece down.

So, what we have here is a disgusting freak putting 200 gallons of fetid piss on the streets of New York City.

Under Mayor Bill de Blasio, that’s just another weekday in the Big Apple.

The only thing strange about it is that it’s 200 gallons all at once.


Dear Ultra-Left LGBT community,

Understand, this is the kind of shit that turns normals against you.

Legal Advice

An insurance adjuster from New Jersey was stopped for speeding in Tennessee.  He had $22,000 in cash on him which was taken as per civil asset forfeiture laws in Tennessee.

Here is the take away from this video.  A bit of free legal advice:


According to Associate Supreme Court Justice Robert Houghwout Jackson, “Any lawyer worth his salt will tell the suspect, in no uncertain terms, to make no statement to the police under any circumstances.”

Watch the video below presented by a lawyer and a police officer to back me up on this.

I feel bad for this guy from New Jersey, but it was his fuck up.  Tennessee is notorious for it’s bad civil asset forfeiture laws.

TN Officer: “Do you have any large sums of money on you?”

Dumb guy: “Around $20K.”

Smart guy: “I invoke my Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.”

TN Officer: “Can I search your vehicle?”

Dumb guy: “I’ve got nothing to hide, sure.”

Smart guy: “No.”

See the difference, it’s not hard.

So Close to Salvation

Back in September, in Knightdale, N.C., one Deondre Branch stole 10 bras from a Wal-Mart.  He was chased by police when he then broke into an office while feeling.

One Connie Wells was in the office, working, when the break-in occurred.  Fearing for her life, she drew her concealed carry handgun and shot Branch in the neck.

Branch may now never walk again.

According to his father, he shouldn’t have been shot for stealing some bras.

Not really understanding where that come about, where he was a threat to someone in order for him to get shot…  A crime is a crime, but there are levels to everything. Shoplifting is not right, by no means, but that is no fashion in comparison to your life… He is a great kid. In life you make bad choices.

Do these parents get a script from the reporter of what to say?  Word for word it’s always the same “he was a good kid” and “the crime he did wasn’t worth shooting him over.”

So lets go to the tape (I couldn’t find an embedable version, so the link is to the news report).

Yes, that is a man kicking down a 150 lbs, solid core, exterior grade security door.

I’m pretty sure Ms. Wells had every reason to fear for her life after that.

Deondre Branch, survived somewhat worse for the wear.  The good news is, I don’t think the law of Ballistic Beatification applies to the living.