
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

When the shoe goes up in the other arse. (Video)

It seems NeverTrumper Super Hater (and once funny guy) George  Lopez was not happy when he was being heckled by a Pro Trump guy.

Via TMZ:

STUDIO CITY (CBSLA) — A cellphone video has surfaced showing comedian George Lopez getting into an altercation at a New Mexico Hooters with a man reported to be a vocal supporter of Donald Trump.
According to CBS 4 in Texas, the 15-second video recorded Sunday was posted by gossip news site TMZ. It starts with a man looking into his phone, saying, “Here comes my boy George” as Lopez appears to walk out of the restaurant. “Jorge Lopez!” the man says before the comedian asks, “Posting more bull****?”
Lopez then grabs the man’s phone as the alleged Trump fan says, “He’s a badass! Look at him! He wants to fight me!” Lopez says something unintelligible during the scuffle as he grabs the man’s neck.
“George wants to fight me!” the man says as the video ends.
A person close to Lopez told the site the man had been taunting Lopez the entire night, making pro-Trump comments and screaming “MAGA!”

I guess the ganders were not expecting the same medicine they prescribed for the geese?

Tough titty.


As I may have mentioned before, I am doing a small bit of help doing some  research in old newspapers. The thing that amazes me is how many kids were murdered back in the 18th century either by their own parents or strangers.  Most of them were very young ones, under 10 years of age. I guess older ones were already being productive and knew were capable of defending themselves

That is bad, but what I was not prepared for was the method: About 70% with an axe or hatchet and with two exceptions using poison and drowning, the rest were impact weapons like iron bars.

This one I just bumped into and I had to take a break.

How can cops, paramedics and others deal with seeing a small child murdered savagely is beyond me. I know I would have lost my composure and probably have a temporary lapse of sanity having to see a toddler with the head caved in.

Sorry for the dark post, but I needed to let out some.

Assignment: Identify, Locate and Doxx this idiot. (FB Video)

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/AmUnderAtk/videos/361242541103772/” width=”600″ height=”500″ onlyvideo=”1″]

It is only fair that they are subjected to the same rules and punishments they seem to enjoy passing out, don’t you think?

And I know he deserves several throat punches with a bamboo cane, but I figure Mr. Liberal Macho will not emotionally survive the hunt.

Sure, that stolen vehicle gets found.

 Clearwater police recovered a stolen Krispy Kreme delivery van reported taken from a Lake City store. It had dozens of doughnuts inside. The manager gave them to the police, who said they kept just a few and gave the rest to feed the homeless / Clearwater Police Department.

Florida cops found a stolen Krispy Kreme van. And they got to keep what was inside


That’s funny right there. Embrace the stereotype and make it tasty.