
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

What was Alyssa Milano doing in the Kavanaugh Hearing?

Via The Feral Irishman:

You remember the post yesterday where Alyssa Milano was seen in the chambers where the Kavanaugh Hearings were about to be held:

Since I did not watch the hearings, it seems something was happening in the background and it involved our little deranged girl:

The double tap that Alyssa Milano used was to have two signs.

The first was deliberately allowed to be confiscated, so that the cops would relax.

Then Milano would cause a commotion with her SECOND sign, which the planners thought the cops would have missed.
(28) Therefore we can conclude that this was an elaborate plan that involved United States senators and their staffers.

When they said “By any means necessary,” they weren’t kidding.

Thread by @ThomasWictor: “(1) Well, I’ll explain to you why @Alyssa_Milano did this.

In any other era, I would have dismissed this as over-excitable imagination. But the way the Democrats and assorted minions are behaving lately, I have to be at least concerned that I am no longer trusting good sense coming from that side.

Dumb Ass Republicans play nice and got paid by being doxxed.

“Several Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had their home addresses and phone numbers released to the public on their Wikipedia pages during Thursday’s hearing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination.
The victims included Republican Sens. Mike Lee and Orrin G. Hatch of Utah and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
According to Caleb Hull, editor of the Independent Journal Review, the wife of Mr. Hatch “has been receiving calls nonstop ON HER BIRTHDAY and their home address was made public.”

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans’ addresses, phone numbers released on Wikipedia pages

They are getting ass invaded and they continue to say thank you and ask for two more inches of proctology penetration.

They deserve whatever is coming at them if they keep being this much cowardly & spineless shitheads.

The Kavanaugh Hearings: Why we have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

This is a poll from a small, mostly highly Liberal Facebook group I belong.

And yes, I understand the presumption of innocence is for the courts, blah-blah, but what we are seeing is that any kind of moral measure, any shred of political decency is lost.  Is simple accusation is enough to ruin your life?

And you know what comes after: the taking of your life.

Do you know that rifle ammo and magazines you have been wanting to buy? You may want to get started ASAP.