
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

GOP Senators finally getting the idea that fighting back pays off.

And she is probably complaining because the Senator was mean to her in front of her kids.

Bridgeport Chief of Police shows lack of Gun Safety.

From the source:

Chief Perez joined Mayor Joe Ganim Connecticut Against Gun Violence Members of Bridgeport State Legislative Delegation and City Council today to speak on the dangers of ghost guns.

They were bitching about the dangers of Ghost Guns and 80% receivers. The irony about danger was not even perceived.

I am the only one professional enough...”

Socialism does not fix this (FB Video)

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/wxchasing/videos/873567633033212/” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

Reminds me so much of what I saw a year after Andrew when I came to Miami for business with my partner.  A friend drove us around to the areas where there was sill remnants of what had happened and it was the snapped trees that shook me the most back then.

Socialism will not rebuild the Panhandle. If Gillum wins, that place will remain in shambles after get gets voted out of office or removed for cause.

Given due where is due, Governor Scott has been seen moving his ass around and even the White House has been on top, much to Gillum’s dislike who has been bitching around. He is lucky Tallahassee did not get but a bit of wind and no much damage so he can tout the magic recovery thanks to his efforts.


Antifa in Sweden: Disparity of Force.

From what I gathered, this happened last May:

Besides the irony of start chanting Anti-Fascist right after they are done with the guy, this is what we can expect in the near future unless the Liberal have a “come to Jesus” moment and I don’t mean hiring an “undocumented” landscaper.

Bad back or not, I am gonna have to upgrade to midsize pistol with 15 rounds and at least 2 spares. I am as sure as hell not allowing idiots use yours truly as a punching bag and ending in a hospital or morgue…at least not alone.