
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Just because you have a 4×4, it does not mean you can Off-Road.

I can almost tell you what led to this very expensive towing bill: 1) Jeep was on 2WD rather than the recommended 4WD Low. 2) Not wearing the right tires for sand. 3) The driver was trying to do the stuff they do in commercials and splash ocean water because it looks cool.

Back in the time when Off-Roading was in black and white, we did go to remote beaches quite a lot but we had some basic tools and principles we followed. In tools, you carried chains and cables (we were too broke to afford winches), at least a shovel and something to slide under the tires if you ever got stuck like meter-long pieces of  2×4. As for principles, that was easy: Never EVER screw around where the sand gets wet and always be in 4WD Low.

You wanna know the funny part? Our tools were used to unstuck idiots that did not understand that just because you see it in the screen, it is a good idea to emulate.  Whatever pleasurable you see in TV or movies about the beach, it is probably wrong and that includes romance. How do I know? Don’t ask.

Off-Roading rides on the simple principle of returning to the point of origin without a minimum of trouble and hopefully without the assistance of a third party. That means you need to manage your assets and yourself. And preparation is a MUST as there are no service stations or auto part stores in the middle of nowhere. You take what could break with you and you better learn how to fix stuff if you planned to go home with your 4×4.

A very young me coming back from a remote beach in South America.
1973 Toyota FJ40 named the Blue Beast.

I eventually gave up Off-Roading because it was affecting my back. I had taken too many liberties with my vertebrae prior to going into the driving wild and it was starting to show with all the jumping you did on that stiff suspension.

I still miss it.


I am not silent.

As I get older, I find my level of patience and stamina to deal mercifully with the insane bullshit coming from the Over Opposition crowing short. It is a good thing that we have the illustrative and fiery writing of J. Kb. to fill the spaces, but do not think I am immune at what is being attempted to do against our Country and I expressed it in Twitter last night.

Again, at my age, we don’t have the patience for stylistic foreplay. We want the shit fixed so we can sit back and relax in our porches, real or imagined.  You keep pushing for us being treated and terrorist and traitors, you are going to find themselves observing the details of a flash hider.


The Importance of Annie Oakley.

“Even in the best and most peacefully civilized countries many occasions arise when a woman versed in the knowledge and use of firearms may find that information and skill of great importance”

“I would like to see every woman know how to handle guns as naturally as they know how to handle babies.”

“There are always women who will take men on their own terms. If I were a man I wouldn’t bother to change while there are women like that around.”

If anything, Annie Oakley believed in the importance of a well armed woman.

In the early 20th century research I am involved with, I am coming across news bits about women using firearms defending themselves and unfortunately using them also to settle the husband’s infidelity. But what it has left me even more shocked has been the number of wives and lovers whose lives ended tragically at the hands of husbands and boyfriends, some going as far as exterminating a family, babies included.

I wonder what happened that shifted the idea of self-reliance from the late 19th century to one of depending  on males and strangers for their security on the 20th.  Women had to be aware of their influence and it was them who moved the Temperance movement (yes, a mistake, but they managed to get the Volstead Act passed) and Suffragism.

The Ladies of the time got the country to be dry and they fought for their right to vote, but somewhere along the trip they lost the will to defend themselves? Who started the “Proper Ladies should not carry a gun and just faint in case of danger” bullcrap. This is something I would love to find out.

I am gonna close with another Annie Oakley quote:

“I ain’t afraid to love a man. I ain’t afraid to shoot him either.”

Preach it, girl!

Baby Trump Blimp coming to America.

Some enterprising Liberal from New Jersey is ordering one and plans to have it touring the country or at least Eastern USA.

Now, I have seen friends and acquaintances in Social Media talking about shooting at the floating idiocy everything from .22LR subsonic to arrows and even crossbow bolts. Some want them attached to drones. People please, you have to be reasonable: Use air guns with the proper projectile:

That is all, you can resume your strategy plans.

Trump Derangement Syndrome in “Art” Form

Seen in twitter as per @awaken-to-maga

One Grand Gallery (1000 E Burnside Street, Portland OR 97214) posted this in their window.

onegrandgallery.com (971) 266-4919

It is Portland, so you know they are full for the mass murders and free train tickets going East for anybody not politically at the left of Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

If I had something to give as prize, I’d start a contest among the readers to have them create their interpretation of David Hogg in “art” form and publish them here.
Can you imagine the shit storm and accusations? I bet his security team would be upgraded to al least 6 Bloomberg-Paid bodyguards.

Let’s face it: “If” is no longer in consideration, we are just waiting for the “When.”