
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

As I always say: Liberals can’t do math.

As you can imagine, Social Media has been inundated of the typical arguments against guns and the Second Amendment. Nothing new there but it makes me laugh when you get a foaming-at-the-mouth Liberal to crap in their pants when you let them see the very possible consequences of a door-to-door order of confiscation.

My guess is that in their exalted self-importance, they think Police Officers will blindly follow their orders while they sip some chia latte comfortably at home and nothing will happen to them. Cops are not stupid, cops will pause and think: “Wait one, we are supposed to go kick the doors of at least 70 million people, armed with over 350 million firearms, well over a trillion rounds of ammunition and the desire to use them by orders of a bunch of idiots drinking Himalayan kombucha and eating organic ramen tofu? Fuck that shit!”

I can predict with a high level of certainty that the outcome of a nation-wide confiscation order will be just the opposite of what Gun Control advocates will expect.


Meet Coach Aaron Feis, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School football coach.


A beloved football coach who witnesses said shielded students as a gunman opened fire inside a Parkland, Fla., high school Wednesday, is the first of 17 fatalities to be identified.

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School football team’s Twitter account confirmed Aaron Feis’ death early Thursday morning.

“It is with Great sadness that our Football Family has learned about the death of Aaron Feis,” the tweet read. “He was our Assistant Football Coach and security guard. He selflessly shielded students from the shooter when he was shot. He died a hero and he will forever be in our hearts and memories”

 Florida high school football coach who was seen shielding students from gunfire dies

He died a hero, no doubt. |And for his unselfish actions, he must be celebrated.

But you know what? I don’t want any more dead heroes in school. I want live heroes that were able to fend off an attack because they had the tools to do so.

He strikes me as somebody who would have charged at Nikolas Cruz and shoot his scrawny ass off.  But we will never know because our Legislature was too spineless to face Gun Control and do the right thing.

Time to allow teachers to defend their students.

Florida: Time to pester your Legislature.

I am sure the Democrats in Tallahassee are wasting no time writing or dusting bills to curtail our 2A rights. We need to fight back ASAP. We need to get the 2014 SB 968 back and this time approved for the Governor’s signature.

“School Safety; Providing an exception to a prohibition on possession of firearms or other specified devices on school property or in other specified areas for authorized concealed weapon or firearm licensees as designated by school principals or district superintendents; requiring a school district board to formulate policies and procedures for managing active-shooter and hostage situations; requiring a district school board or private school principal to allow for campus tours by local law enforcement agencies once every 3 years, etc. “

I sent this quick email to Senators Negron and Steube  since they are the President of the Senate and Head of the Judiciary respectively, and also to Senator Rene Garcia who is my local senator.  Use the Senator Finder to locate yours. I also added Senator Dorothy L. Hukill since she is he head of the Education committee and the bill died in there, it was not even brought up for discussion.

My representative is Jose R. Oliva and he was also contacted regarding the same bill. You can use the Find Your Representative link to write to yours.

Here is the text I sent, some changes were made according to the person.

Four years ago, a bill was brought to the legislature to allow teachers and approved personnel to train and carry guns in schools in order to fight back when a Mass Murderer attacked.
2014 session – SB 968 by Senator Hays need to be brought back and passed to send to Governor Scott for signing ASAP.

It is time to harden schools up the right way. No more silly Gun Free Zone signs, there is no kumbaya possible when a killer is murdering kids.

OK folks, get going.

Apparently Florida Teachers Are Too Stupid.

The date of the article is June 23, 2017. While other states are taking measures to harden schools against Mass Murderers, Florida teachers are considered to be too stupid or too mechanical disinclined to properly manipulate a weapon and defend the kids under their care.


If someone begins shooting at the students or staff at Fleming K-12 School in northeast Colorado, football coach and bus driver Scott Muller wants to be ready to shoot back.

“Something like this is nothing you want to do,” Muller said during a break from the active-shooter training course he took this week. “But anybody who wants to protect kids, they will take something like this on.”

After all, said Muller, it’s unlikely help would be nearby if someone attacked Fleming School, about 20 miles east of Sterling. The local sheriff told him “they are so far out they won’t be able to respond in time to do much. It will be pretty much left up to someone at the school to do something.”

Muller is among 17 teachers and administrators from five mostly rural counties who received  intensive training this week on how to prevent — or at least minimize — a mass shooting at their schools, many of which are in far-flung areas where it would take law enforcement up to 30 minutes to respond.

Colorado teachers, administrators train to take offensive against active shooter

But hey, don’t worry, them magical Gun Free Zone signs will keep your kid safe at school. Right?

(I owe a hat tip for this one)

Nikolas Cruz Booking Photo

Charged with 17 counts of premeditated Murder.

As usual, the initial info floating around social media tends not to be correct but the reflection of people’s personal bias. Also, that voter registration thing? All probability is also the wrong person as it is from a different town altogether.

The 48 hour rule works for a reason.

I have read and heard some stuff about how Cruz did his deed that I need confirmation before commenting about it. Some came out of a politician’s mouth so I am way sceptic about it.

PS: He does look like  Hispanic Opie.

When Idiots Collide.

Rick Wilson is a columnist for the Daily Beast and Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer. We already know that Stephen King is also affected by TDS .  Since the Trump mentioned  the MS-13 gang, it has been the labor of the Left to reshape the media image of the gang. Although the FBI saysMS-13 members engage in a wide range of criminal activity, including drug distribution, murder, rape, prostitution, robbery, home invasions, immigration offenses, kidnapping, carjackings/auto thefts, and vandalism. Most of these crimes, you’ll notice, have one thing in common—they are exceedingly violent. And while most of the violence is directed toward other MS-13 members or rival street gangs, innocent citizens often get caught in the crossfire.” But since the State Of The Union, they are no longer a threat, they are just exaggerations of the administration to scare people into supporting the Wall. By golly! They are just a bunch of misunderstood Boy Scouts from El Salvador, you racist pig!

And as for Stephen King, I fear he confused MS-13 with AK-47 or AR-15… or maybe he is a racist pig and blames MS-13 for the killings. I have no idea what goes through his mind lately.