
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Gun Owner’s Virtue Signaling.

Virtue signaling is the expression or promotion of viewpoints that are especially valued within a social group, especially when this is done primarily to enhance the social standing of the speaker.

 Wikepedia or some crap like that.

In a Facebook Florida Gun Owner Group, there was an entry about how fast are the CWP being processed right now in Florida and the fees lowered. After the chain of loses we’ve been having because certain GOP senator was doing the beast with two backs with her Democrat counterpart and voting the way he wanted, you kinda figure a bit of good news is welcomed.

Cue the “Muh Rights!” Gun Owners AKA “The Chest Thumpers.” First they began with  “I am for Constitutional Carry!” like the rest of us aren’t and they are the only Pure Virgin Vestals in the Second Amendment temple. Then they proceeded to put down the news because… “Muh Rights, Damn it!”  Last, they crapped on the person in charge of the department because he is running for public office and therefore he is just trying to appeal votes out of Gun Owners.

So fucking what? What do I care he is accelerating the issuance and lowering the costs of permits? Is there any moral superiority in your posing as Super Hero of the Second Amendment? None, because you are just posing. You maximum effective range in the fight for our rights is zero.  In fact it takes the posting of one idiot to be read by a staffer of that candidate to sour his possible in help  advancing the cause of the Second Amendment in Florida if he gets elected.

VS = BS. Virtue Signaling is Bull Shit.



Adding SSL Certificate. (UPDATE)



Thanks to Shawn D’s donation, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on getting the SSL Certificate for the site. As I have been told by the people who know, it will make visitors feel warm/fuzzy about security and increase my Google ranking/visibility.

I was assured the transition should be smooth… fingers crossed.

Don’t panic.


Update: It appears to be working, but it may take up to 72 hours for all kinks to get fixed.

Humpday Music Selection

And I include movie selection. I have no idea why, but this scene from Dr. Detroit decided to play in my head early this morning.  You can’t go wrong with James Brown anyway.

Dr. Detroit was not very well accepted by the critics nor it made money for its investors (Production budget of $8 million, box office of $10 million) but it was a “profitable” enterprise for two of the cast. Dan Aykroyd and Donna Dixon met and eventually got married; hell, they are still married 35 years later and have 3 kids. As she tells it and he confirms it, she had to chase after him because he was (and is) a notoriously shy person.

Pit Bull attacks owner. It gets tased and shot. (Graphic Warning)

So we know J. Kb’s stance on Pit Bulls and I am a firm believer that is the people who are too effing dumb to own dogs, here is a video showing what happens when you do not take dogs seriously.

If anything, this reinforces my belief that people get dogs as accessories to their lives and not because they need them as working animal and sure as heck do not know  how to control them.  Can a dog go crazy and attack its owner? yes. It has happened due to sickness or mistreatment or simply the dog is not right upstairs. We were given a German Shepherd that never took training, would not patrol and eventually came to ambush our other dogs for no good reason. One night he tried to attack me as I was walking by, but the body language betrayed him and received several good kicks for his attempt to harm me. The next day I took him to the vet and put him to sleep as I could not take the chance to have him injure a member of my family.

A dog is not your baby, is not your kid, is not a human member of your family: It is an animal that, as much as you can love, comes second to a human life.  With the exception of the shepherd mentioned above, I have suffered every dog that has died in our family, but that ever meant the next one was going to be treated any different.

If you own a dog, specially a big dog and you have not considered the possibility that you may have to get physical and even kill it, you are better off getting one of them miniature dogs or better yet, a cat.


Bringing the California Nazi to South Florida.

Rooftop solar panels are becoming a common sight in South Miami, in part because of the efforts of one teen. Eighteen-year-old Miami native Delaney Reynolds is a freshman at the University of Miami. Two years ago, she learned that several cities in California have laws that mandate rooftop solar panels on new homes.

Reynolds: “I thought that that was an excellent idea for our state, especially because we’re the so-called sunshine state. I figured we have to make something like this here in south Florida.”

Reynolds sent a letter proposing the idea to almost a dozen mayors. South Miami’s Mayor Phillip Stoddard responded and offered to mentor her through the process of drafting the ordinance. Together, they reworked the California laws to fit local construction codes.

Last July, South Miami passed the ordinance, and it took effect in September. Now, any new homes built in the city – as well as major renovations – must include solar panels.

How one teenager got a city to pass new solar rules

So, because “We Care”™ we now are forcing to add several thousands of dollars extra in cost to new constructions or if you happen to need a new roof.  Where we spend lots of power and therefore money in South Florida is in Air Conditioning.  Our “winter” electrical bill without the AC running is a pittance compared with the rest of the year and we have a very efficient unit cooling the house. If you try to have enough solar panels to run your normal AC unit found in South Florida, you will be spending up to three times what you use in grid power.

And let us not forget that your insurance will go up because we have this recurrent events called Tropical Storms and Hurricanes that make their appearance occasionally in our areas.

But, hey! The Good Feels come first.  And we get to be cool like California.




LGQBT demands company-paid Safe Sex. (Update)

I read this article a couple of times and I double checked it was not The Onion:

HIV-positive activist Josh Robbins first warned in November 2016 that Publix, Florida’s beloved supermarket giant, was refusing to provide its workers with drugs that prevent HIV transmission. Nearly a year and a half later, the grocery chain has still not answered why it has adopted this health-care policy. The Lakeland-based company danced around the question again this week when HIV-focused website TheBody.com asked for an explanation.
In light of the conservative leanings of the company’s founding family and its board, some critics are asking whether Publix has any business reason for denying “pre-exposure prophylaxis,” or PrEP, drugs (known by the brand name Truvada) to its workers or if the company simply objects to the fact that the drugs are recommended for use by gay men, who are at higher risk for HIV transmission.

Publix Under Fire for Reportedly Refusing to Give HIV Meds to Workers.

I love the term “pre-exposure prophylaxis.” In case you have not had your morning coffee, it means that some Gays working for Publix want the company to pay for a drug that helps not contracting HIV when they want to have sex with an unchecked stranger. Basically they want to irresponsibly go play “hide the sausage” and want Publix subsidize they don’t catch HIV.  I thought the use condoms were the most effective way not to get HIV and a host of other STDs. Does that mean they are riding the beast bareback?

And how much is the monetary haircut? According to Drugs.com The cost for Truvada oral tablet (100 mg-150 mg) is around $1,645 for a supply of 30 tablets, depending on the pharmacy you visit.” 

Ladies and Gentlemen, according to some radical members of LGQBT community who probably does not want to wear condoms, it is the duty of a private company to pay for the unchecked sexual behavior of its employees at the tune of $19,740 a year. That is three thousand more than the Minimum Wage in Florida.  That means that in order to let some guy get his freak out over the weekend, Publix needs to fire the guy collecting the shopping carts and moping the spill in Aisle 5.

But yeah, it is Publix who are the heartless bigoted jackasses.

Dude, buy your own condoms.

Your Sub Sandwich just got more expensive, Publix caved in.