
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

My “Oh Sh**! kit”

I realized yesterday that I had written plenty about having a kit to stop massive blood losses but had not shown mine. This kit resides firmly in my center console with a knife and a window puncher.



I decided to add another tourniquet because you never know what will happen, specially if you are not the only person in the vehicle.

Recon Medical is now selling (beside the tourniquet) Israeli Bandages and shears at a damn good price so you don’t have to hunt around for that.

The trauma pack I have covered plenty and nobody should be out there without one in close proximity. And the First Aid bag is an inexpensive nylon bag that does not have the tactical look and can carry an amazing amount of stuff as you can see.

The wife has a similar kit with here and since I ordered another pair of shears and another Israeli bandage from Recon Medical (If you buy and register, you occasionally get a coupon code for rebates. Trust me, it is well worth it) I am gonna make a third kit to keep in the First Responder bag so it is easy to locate  in case of SHTF.


Pearl Clutchers Among us.

Barely two weeks after a progressive Democrat activist attempted a mass assassination of Republican officials, progressives are outraged at the NRA for noting that the Second Amendment gives people the right to defend themselves, with arms if necessary, from people who might try to assassinate them or their families…

…Progressives, however, are outraged at Second Amendment defenders for having the audacity to claim a right to self-defense in the wake of a mass assassination attempt. On Thursday, failed Baltimore mayoral candidate and Black Lives Matter gadfly Deray McKesson raged at Dana Loesch and accused her and the National Rifle Association (NRA) of “white supremacy” for noting in a prophetic promotional video filmed in April that progressive activists were becoming increasingly violent.

Source: Progressives Are Outraged At The NRA For Pointing Out Leftist Violence

I was expecting the many exclamation of faux horror by the Left, but what has surprised me has been that some among our side are horrified to the point of “having the vapors’ about Dana Loesch’s video. I have even heard some saying that they will quit the NRA because they feel offended by it.  to them I have a statement and a question: Good riddance and where the f*** have you been for the last eight years? Certainly not the United States and certainly not paying attention at the war between Gun Control and Gun Rights.

I am sure you dutifully sent the yearly $35 to renew your NRA membership  and claim you are in the fight… as long as it does not interfere the Mongolian cheese and Peruvian kombucha tasting you have for Saturday night with Mimsy and the rest of the boys or coincides with the kids’ soccer and trombone practice.  You want your gun rights as long as somebody else does the job and keeps it where it does not bother you or makes a lot of noise. You simply cannot be embarrassed in front of your book club.

And then Dana came along, made a video that the Usual Lefty Suspects claim it gives them the hives because it is threatening,  your panties get all twisted and you comment to your wife that the NRA has been taking over by a bunch of uncouth animals.

Jesus! Grow a pair, would you?

Antifa and the Congressional Shooter are only the last episodes in a long-lasting battle that you apparently have been missing. You are shocked about  “the clenched fist of truth”? Where the hell where you when the gun control groups were demanding that you were considered a terrorist and sent to Guantanamo? Or when they were asking the Justice Department under Holder that the  FBI investigated all of the NRA members for insurrectionsist and traitors and be dutifully prosecuted?

Where were you when the same “Gun Safety” activists would call their local police departments because they disliked the idea of people legally Open Carrying and hoped that cops would shoot them? Or when they were saying that if they saw somebody carrying a gun, they would attacked them snatch their guns and shoot them because they (laughingly) would state they were in fear for their life? Or when they were talking about ambushing Wayne LaPierre inside an elevator and give him a 30 second “fist” speech on gun control?

OK, so you are not as in deep as some of us in the comings and goings of the Gun Control groups, so I must ask you where were you during the Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman event and trial? You do remember that one, right? They even created a new race, (White Hispanic) and made the whole case a political & racial clown show to attack Stand Your Ground Laws that were not even a part of the case? Remember the Media lies and outright sound editing to make Zimmerman look like a racist?

This has been brewing for a long time. Fake News did not start during the last election, they only came to maturity then. We in the Gun Culture have been watching grow and constantly fighting it for decades now, IE: Saturday Night Special, “Assault Weapons”, Glock pistols are plastic and invisible to X-rays, Black Talon bullets, armor-piercing, the shoulder thing that goes up, blood on the streets, etc. And there is more, I just don’t want to overwhelm your already taxed sensitivities.

So now the left  have minions out and around attacking people, targeting and shooting Republican congressmen yet we are to remain virginal and immobile as not to anger the soul of Emily Post by our impolite actions A.K.A. Self Defense?

I have bad news and I am gonna quote Wyatt Earp:

The fight has now commenced, go to fighting or get away!

That is all.

“But if we educate them, they won’t rape.”

Yeager’s diary was filled with drawings and writings, detailing rape fantasies. He spent five months working on the plan, including putting together a list of more than 200 real estate agents. “I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize,” one diary entry read. “If you are reading this I found a realtor woman and raped her. I have been planning and have wanted this my whole life.”

Source: Attempted rapist: ‘I truly enjoy the hunt and cannot wait for my prize’ | WKBN.com

This is a pure predator. A calculating bastard. No amount of therapy or good wishes, hugs and ponies is gonna transform him into a good member of society. He only lives to satisfy his urges.

And that we have women waving a flag of feminism telling other women that using deadly force against scum like this is wrong. These women are nothing more that victim suppliers for scum like Yaeger. Accomplices.

And I am not going to even touch the other segment of feminists that equal a wolf whistle with what a man like that does to women.

Fake News: Miami New Times & the man in the wheelchair. 

You read this and have to say “Dear God, what were they thinking? Attacking a man in a wheelchair? Are they brutes?

Of course, it seems the fact are not quite as the headline insinuates.

But police had a different version of events. The two officers said that after confronting the brothers outside the hotel, Pedro Brito punched Martinez in the face several times. Martinez said he punched back, throwing Pedro to the ground and handcuffing him with Byars’ help.While Martinez and Byars were arresting Pedro, his brother Carlos “rode his wheelchair toward the officers” and “lunged forward onto Sergeant Martinez’s back and grabbed his face,” the officers say. A security guard testified that Carlos, who is paralyzed from the waist down, somehow “hurled himself onto Sergeant Martinez’s back.”Circuit Judge Norma Lindsey ultimately found that the city had a right to claim Stand Your Ground and that the officers were justified in their use of force.

Source: City of Miami Wins Precedent-Setting Stand Your Ground Hearing | Miami New Times

So the headline is accurate, but untrue. Now, would you go as far as saying they are outright lying?

I refer to my favorite journalism movie:

British Rasta Taliban freaks out at a WalMart Gun Section

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/whatweseee/videos/1246649198705465/” width=”600″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”1″]

Can you imagine the poor sap at a Bass Pro or a Cabelas or at a really big gun store?

You have to take in consideration that the info he has comes from the movies and The Guardian. Plus, Brits are now taught to be cute little beta males so such a display of powder, metal and primers is bound to upset them.

No dude, with don’t use AK 47s to bring down ducks or even geese.