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Can you imagine the poor sap at a Bass Pro or a Cabelas or at a really big gun store?

You have to take in consideration that the info he has comes from the movies and The Guardian. Plus, Brits are now taught to be cute little beta males so such a display of powder, metal and primers is bound to upset them.

No dude, with don’t use AK 47s to bring down ducks or even geese.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “British Rasta Taliban freaks out at a WalMart Gun Section”
  1. “It’s Crazy.”

    No, it’s freedom. We are Citizens with God given rights, not Subjects of a Monarch.

      1. The only Walmarts that sell handguns are the ones in Alaska. Also they’re not selling EBRs anymore here in the lower 48.

  2. “This is all the assault rifles they sell here”
    so… none, right?
    “This is *all* ammo.”
    that’s not even that much.
    “Are you shooting a duck with that?”
    actually no, you shoot deer with those. Ducks are very small and move very quickly, making it difficult to hit them with a rifle.

  3. Smells like freedom. And to someone such as this, freedom is truly terrifying. He cannot imagine this sort of freedom.

    He’s become accustomed to, and accepting of, his chains.

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