
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Is this really an issue in an execution?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Governor Bill Lee announced Monday all previously scheduled executions in 2022 will be paused amid plans to launch a third-party review of the lethal injection testing oversight that resulted in a temporary reprieve for death row inmate Oscar Franklin Smith.

“I review each death penalty case and believe it is an appropriate punishment for heinous crimes,” said Lee. “However, the death penalty is an extremely serious matter, and I expect the Tennessee Department of Correction to leave no question that procedures are correctly followed.”

2022 executions paused after Lee orders review following Smith reprieve (wkrn.com)

OK, seems fair and constitutional to consider fully that no execution method is unduly painful. But then I read this:

According to a release, Tennessee will retain former U.S. Attorney Ed Stanton to conduct an independent review of the following:

  • Circumstances that led to testing the lethal injection chemicals for only potency and sterility but not endotoxins preparing for the April 21 execution

Sterility? Are we worried that this guy’s testicles stop producing viable sperm after he is sent to the hereafter for his hideous crimes? That happens to every human male after death visit us.

I don’t get it, it sounds just plain stupidity in Legalese.

You gotta love the Moaning and Groaning about Musk

Opinion column by Suzette Hackney in The Tennessean. Just another Liberal complaining that Musk should have spent his $42 billion on social programs they deem important.  And as usual, the fact that government just in 2019 spent $744 billion of all out taxes on public welfare without any reasonable success does not even cross her little enraged mind.

I don’t know you, but I am damn tired to be forcefully altruistic with my money and see no return for my compulsory social investment.

Hobby Lobby Air Force

Small, almost undetectable by conventional anti-aircraft measures and delivers a payload with decent precision? And now imagine the same configuration, but as smart weapon sneaking in a non-straight access target and detonating.

Two years ago, I began my diet.

The official day when I began reducing food intake was May 1st, 2020. I figured it would be easy to remember being a Communist Holy Day and they specialized in starving people and all that.

And after 2 years, here is where I stand:

I cropped the pic to avoid the “you need a pedicure!” jokes.

190 pounds gone.

Yeah, I am pretty proud of my weight loss.  I am done actively trying to lose anymore, but just stay between 210 and 215 depending on the season of eating. (Trying to lose weight in cold weather is next to impossible! Your body is like I WANT BISCUITS, SAUSAGE AND HOT CHOCOLATE! STAT!) and I have to by pants again which is becoming annoying even if I carry IWB.

And yes, I am gonna pig out (once) in celebration and take the missus for honest to God BBQ next weekend.  Any recommendations in the Murfreesboro area?

UPDATE: I found a “Before” pic. As soon as I can get the missus to take a pic of the “After” version of me, I’ll post both.