
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Cornered Cat: The Book.

Are you a husband or father that worries about the safety of the females you love? Do you want them to carry for their self defense? I bet you (like me) have a tough time not only trying to teach your significant other to shoot but to convey the importance of the whole self defense thing. GET THIS BOOK!
And even if you are a woman and …carry, this book will help you with your self defensive lifestyle.
Get her a copy and show her that her life is paramount to you. This is a way to say that you want to grow old with her. Nothing says love like and old couple watching a sunset in the comfort of their rocking chairs while both of you are packing 🙂

If you want to know about Kathy Jackson, the easiest way is to check the Pro Arms podcasts here and here and here and here and…. OK, you get the idea.

Pre-order now at White Feather Press. I mean now… what the heck are you waiting for?

Why would someone being mugged at gunpoint try to resist?

“Why would someone being mugged at gunpoint try to resist?” That is cry of somebody who supports a ban on guns in the campus of The College of William and Mary. I do have to remind myself that I was a young idealistic college pup once and saw life through the rose colored glasses of Hope and Change (OK, maybe not that idiotic) and that I subscribed to the ideals of the Noble Savage from the philosophers of the 18th Century and Father Flanagan’s No such thing as a bad boy. Just about that time my apartment was broken into and my meager possessions taken away by an unknown misunderstood member of society which made me revise in a damn hurry my beliefs and got me into buying my first gun. About a week later and after 2 more apartments were broken into, the poor misguided soul was attempting to break into my downstairs neighbor’s apartment while he was visiting me. We challenged the Poor Soul and he responded by threatening the use of force and advancing  towards us. Before I knew it, the gun was up at the end of my arm and aimed at his direction and the Scum Of The Earth decided that it would be wise to disappear into the night in the opposite direction.

That night my core beliefs about the No-Need for Firearms in a Modern Society disappeared. All the beautifully poetic talking points of not resisting, giving-up-giving-what-they-want and assorted BS began eroding like a South Florida Beach during a Cat 5 hurricane. Fighting back became not only a rallying cry but just plain common sense if my survival was in the table.

Life keeps demonstrating that, no matter how beautiful our dreams might be, they must be tempered with heavy doses of reality. At the risk of sounding like a candidate for Miss Universe, I do want World Peace but I acknowledge that we may have to take care of certain individuals in a less than Miss Universe fashion in order to put us on the road of such Peace. There are some people that just needs killing (quoting from somebody who escapes my memory right now) because no matter what beautiful thoughts we wish for, they will have no qualms on killing you for their selfish reasons.

So, Why would someone being mugged at gunpoint try to resist? Allow me to introduce you to this beautiful piece of human detritus: Michael Richard Swanson.

Why is this smiling teen in handcuffs and wearing a less than modern apparel consisting of horizontal stripes? Because poor misunderstood Michael shotgunned to death two Iowa convenience store clerks after they complied with his demands and did not offered any resistance to his endeavors. The usual “logic” that we hear from the experts is that if you do not resist and comply with their wishes, you will survive, guaranteed, 100%, you can take it to the bank, FDIC Insured, Bet your house on it, a sure thing.

It was not such a hot guarantee after all.

Maybe having one of the clerks having a gun would not have changed the result of that night’s events, but maybe it might have. So to answer the question, Why would someone being mugged at gunpoint try to resist? Because there are people like Smiling Mikey out there that did not get the memo saying they are supposed to leave people that do not resist alive and unhurt. Criminals do not subscribe to the Brady Campaign newsletter or a t least they do not mind it much.

My allergy of Armored Trucks again on the news.

And again an armored truck is targeted but this time by the gang that did not know how to stay hidden. The one thing that called my attention was this:

Chance did something that authorities do not recommend anyone doing. “They were running so fast, I felt like I needed to try and stop them. I tried to grab them, but they were like slippery when wet,” he said. “They got away from me, but then I followed them around the corner and saw the getaway car. They fired shots at me, but I was behind the pillars.”

Chance said he saw one of the crooks with what looked like a silver, 9 mm gun pointed right at him. “Especially when I see ‘Click, click,’ he said. If he had one in the chamber, I would have been through, probably.”

Remember: you do not wear your underwear over your pants or have a cape or have journalist girlfriend.  The playing of superhero is not in our job description. I know that as good people, we all feel the need to right the wrongs of this world have but we are not Dr. Sam Beckett either. Chance had a healthy dose of Ego that did not kill him…this time.

Ego kills, kill the Ego.

Shoveling it deep and high.

Via the Maddened Fowl we have another great artistic feel-good-but-totally-useless enterprise: Palas por Pistolas (Shovels for Guns).
Mr. Reyes did his version of Gun Buy Back, collected 1,527 guns that were ” automatic, military-style weapons” (Which makes him about 500 times more effective than the ATF and the Mexican Government combined) and transformed the ugly nasty things into shovels. This shovels will more likely be used to continuing piling the bullshit regarding US guns into Mexico and digging graves for those who are dying in the local Drug Wars.